
Profile Directory

about:support → “Profile Directory” → “Open Directory” Button



Firefox stores your history and bookmarks together in a database file named places.sqlite which is in your profile folder.

  • Just copy places.sqlite to another profile folder in order to transfer the history of one profile to another one.


  • about:about
  • about:preferences
  • about:performance
  • about:config
  • about:addons (besser: about:addons#extensions)
  • about:memory
  • about:support -> “Profile Directory” -> “Open Directory” Button

Developer Tools

command description
ctrl + shift + i Toolbox
ctrl + i page info (i.e. general, media, permissions, security)


command description
cmd + shift + n open recently closed window
cmd + shift + t open recently closed tab
cmd + shift + b hide/show bookmarks toolbar
alt + b (linux: ctrl + alt + b) hide/show bookmark search plus pane
ctrl + shift + m show mobile version of website
ctrl + u view source
ctrl + shift + k web console
ctrl + shift + j browser console
shift + esc Process Manager

Browser Console


The Browser Console is like the Web Console, but applied to the whole browser rather than a single content tab.

So it logs the same sorts of information as the Web Console - network requests, JavaScript, CSS, and security errors and warnings, and messages explicitly logged by JavaScript code. However, rather than logging this information for a single content tab, it logs information for all content tabs, for add-ons, and for the browser’s own code.


  • Adblock Plus
  • Bookmark Serch Plus 2
  • DownThemAll!
  • Video Downloadhelper (by mig)
  • Duplicate Tab Shortcut (by Stefan Sundin)
  • iCloud Bookmarks
  • Link to Text Fragment
  • PDF Mage
  • Search with Wikipedia
  • Textmarker
  • TeXZilla
  • Web Search Navigator
  • Vimium-FF (by Stephen Blott, Phil Crosby)
  • GNOME Shell integration
  • Reload in address bar
  • StickyNotes
  • Tab Session Manager
  • Grammarly: Grammar Checker and Writing App
  • Fast Tab Switcher
  • Auto Tab Discard by tlintspr

Video Downloadhelper CoApp

Where is it installed?

CoApp successfuly installed under '~/.local/share/vdhcoapp'.

How to uninstall Video Downloadhelper CoApp:

To uninstall, run '~/.local/share/vdhcoapp/vdhcoapp uninstall' and remove '~/.local/share/vdhcoapp'.
Re-run that script to update the coapp.


Improve Display Style of Exported Bookmarks

To indent Firefox bookmarks.html add this CSS style:

  • note: the <meta> tags must come after the <style> tags
    • otherwise the Content-Security-Policy (CSP) in the HTML head will prevent all CSS code in the HTML document from loading
      • however, you can still allow some CSS code, see examples in CSP: style-src
  <style type="text/css">
    dl dl {


Only Some Pages Load Others Do Not


  • Solution: Clear the Cookies and Cache for those Websites that do not load.