PyTorch Doc



  • read A Simple Custom Module
  • “Note that the module itself is callable, and that calling it invokes its forward() function. This name is in reference to the concepts of “forward pass” and “backward pass”, which apply to each module.
    • The “forward pass” is responsible for applying the computation represented by the module to the given input(s) (as shown in the above snippet).
    • The “backward pass” computes gradients of module outputs with respect to its inputs, which can be used for “training” parameters through gradient descent methods.
      • PyTorch’s autograd system automatically takes care of this backward pass computation, so it is not required to manually implement a backward() function for each module.”

How does PyTorch create a computational graph?



  • “On it’s own, Tensor is just like a numpy ndarray. A data structure that can let you do fast linear algebra options. If you want PyTorch to create a graph corresponding to these operations, you will have to set the requires_grad attribute of the Tensor to True.”
  • requires_grad is contagious. It means that when a Tensor is created by operating on other Tensors, the requires_grad of the resultant Tensor would be set True given at least one of the tensors used for creation has it’s requires_grad set to True.”
  • “Each Tensor has […] an attribute called grad_fn, which refers to the mathematical operator that creates the variable [d.h. zB., wenn die Variable d über d = w3*b + w4*c definiert ist, dann ist das grad_fn von d der Additionsoperator +]. If requires_grad is set to False, grad_fn would be None.” (kann man mit print("The grad fn for a is", a.grad_fn) testen!) (lies das nochmal genauer im Post!)
  • “One can use the member function is_leaf to determine whether a variable is a leaf Tensor or not.”

torch.nn.Autograd.Function class

  • “This class has two important member functions we need to look at.”:
    • forward
      • “simply computes the output using it’s inputs”
    • backward
      • “takes the incoming gradient coming from the the part of the network in front of it. As you can see, the gradient to be backpropagated from a function $f$ is basically the gradient that is backpropagated to $f$ from the layers in front of it multiplied by the local gradient of the output of f with respect to it’s inputs. This is exactly what the backward function does.” (lies das nochmal genauer nach!)
        • Let’s again understand with our example of \(d = f(w_3b , w_4c)\)
          1. d is our Tensor here. It’s grad_fn is <ThAddBackward>. This is basically the addition operation since the function that creates d adds inputs.
          2. The forward function of the it’s grad_fn receives the inputs $w_3b$ and $w_4c$ and adds them. This value is basically stored in the d
          3. The backward function of the <ThAddBackward> basically takes the the incoming gradient from the further layers as the input. This is basically $\frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{d}}$ coming along the edge leading from L to d. This gradient is also the gradient of L w.r.t to d and is stored in grad attribute of the d. It can be accessed by calling d.grad.
          4. It then takes computes the local gradients $\frac{\partial{d}}{\partial{w_4c}}$ and $\frac{\partial{d}}{\partial{w_3b}}$.
          5. Then the backward function multiplies the incoming gradient with the locally computed gradients respectively and “sends” the gradients to it’s inputs by invoking the backward method of the grad_fn of their inputs.
          6. For example, the backward function of <ThAddBackward> associated with d invokes backward function of the grad_fn of the $w_4*c$ (Here, $w_4*c$ is a intermediate Tensor, and it’s grad_fn is <ThMulBackward>. At time of invocation of the backward function, the gradient $\frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{d}} * \frac{\partial{d}}{\partial{w_4c}} $ is passed as the input.
          7. Now, for the variable $w_4*c$, $\frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{d}} * \frac{\partial{d}}{\partial{w_4c}} $ becomes the incoming gradient, like $\frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{d}} $ was for $d$ in step 3 and the process repeats.

How are PyTorch’s graphs different from TensorFlow graphs

  • PyTorch creates something called a Dynamic Computation Graph, which means that the graph is generated on the fly.
    • in contrast to the Static Computation Graphs used by TensorFlow where the graph is declared before running the program
  • Until the forward function of a Variable is called, there exists no node for the Tensor (it’s grad_fn) in the graph.

          a = torch.randn((3,3), requires_grad = True)   #No graph yet, as a is a leaf
          w1 = torch.randn((3,3), requires_grad = True)  #Same logic as above
          b = w1*a   #Graph with node `mulBackward` is created.
  • The graph is created as a result of forward function of many Tensors being invoked. Only then, the buffers for the non-leaf nodes are allocated for the graph and intermediate values (used for computing gradients later). When you call backward, as the gradients are computed, these buffers (for non-leaf variables) are essentially freed, and the graph is destroyed (In a sense, you can't backpropagate through it, since the buffers holding values to compute the gradients are gone).

  • Next time, you will call forward on the same set of tensors, the leaf node buffers from the previous run will be shared, while the non-leaf nodes buffers will be created again.

  • lies den Abschnitt im Post !

Weight files

  • source:
    • There are no differences between the extensions that were listed: .pt, .pth, .pwf. One can use whatever extension (s)he wants. So, if you’re using for saving models, then it by default uses python pickle (pickle_module=pickle) to save the objects and some metadata. Thus, you have the liberty to choose the extension you want, as long as it doesn’t cause collisions with any other standardized extensions.
    • Having said that, it is however not recommended to use .pth extension when checkpointing models because it collides with Python path (.pth) configuration files. Because of this, I myself use .pth.tar or .pt but not .pth, or any other extensions.