Ubuntu Cheatsheet
OS tty To switch ttys use ctrl + alt + F#, where # is the tty number you want to switch to. see Switching between ttys Ubuntu 17.10+ assign...
OS tty To switch ttys use ctrl + alt + F#, where # is the tty number you want to switch to. see Switching between ttys Ubuntu 17.10+ assign...
Install pytorch conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=11.1 -c pytorch -c nvidia (official von pytorch.org) Achtung: Skip cu...
Profiles Profile Directory about:support → “Profile Directory” → “Open Directory” Button History source Firefox stores your history and bookmarks togeth...
Some tips for VS Code.
docker starten mit ./scripts/start_docker.sh mehrmals compilen mit ./compile.sh source /opt/ros/eloquent/setup.bash (check, ob alles stimmt: ros2 run ...