
  • see my “C Notes”
  • A pointer is a compound type that “points to” another type.
  • Like references,
    • pointers are used for indirect access to other objects.
  • Unlike a reference,
    • a pointer is an object in its own right.
    • a pointer need not be initialized at the time it is defined.
  • Pointers can be assigned and copied
    • a single pointer can point to several different objects over its lifetime.
  • pointers defined at block scope have undefined value if they are not initialized (like other built-in types)
  • Each pointer is equal to the address of the first byte of the pointed-to variable (JA201)
    • The address of a variable is actually the address of the first (lowest) byte it occupies (JA201)
  • best practice:
    • always initialize pointers
double dval;
double *pd = &dval; // ok: initializer is the address of a double
// copy initialization of a pointer (more examples, see Lippman)
double *pd2 = pd;   // ok: initializer is a pointer to double

How to memorize:

From stackoverflow:

  • The symbols * and & both have two different meanings that have to do with indirection.
    • * when used as part of a type indicates that the type is a pointer:
      • int is a type, so int* is a pointer-to-int type, and int** is a pointer-to-pointer-to-int type.
    • & when used as part of a type indicates that the type is a reference.
      • int is a type, so int& is a reference-to-int (there is no such thing as reference-to-reference).
      • References and pointers are used for similar things, but they are quite different and not interchangable.
      • A reference is best thought of as an alias, or alternate name, for an existing variable.
    • * when used as a unary operator performs an operation called “dereference” (which has nothing to do with reference types!).
      • This operation is only meaningful on pointers.
    • & when used as a unary operator performs an operation called “address-of”.
  • So remember, the type suffix & is for references, and has nothing to do with the unary operatory &, which has to do with getting addresses for use with pointers. The two uses are completely unrelated. And * as a type suffix declares a pointer, while * as a unary operator performs an action on pointers.


  • Delete an array: delete[] arrayName
  • Deleting a nullptr does not cause any change and no error.
  • You cannot delete a pointer to a local stack allocated variable:
// see delete.cpp (day 8)
int x;
int* ptr1 = &x;

// x is present on stack frame as
// local variable, only dynamically
// allocated variables can be destroyed
// using the delete operator
delete ptr1;

return 0;

// Output: Runtime error


Do not use NULL

  • NULL is defined as a macro (i.e. a piece of code in a program that is replaced by the value of the macro; a macro is defined by #define directive; whenever a macro name is encountered by the preprocessor, it replaces the name with the definition of the macro):
    • unlike nullptr, NULL is not a built-in constant
    • defined in multiple headers, eg. <cstddef>, <clocale>, <cstdio>, etc.
    • the definition of this macro depends on the C++ implementation that is used
    • some possible implementations (cppreference):
      #define NULL 0
      //since C++11
      #define NULL nullptr
      // in g++
      #define NULL __null     // where "__null" is almost equivalent to the integer literal "0"
    • For g++, NULL is #define‘d to be __null, a magic keyword extension of g++ that is slightly safer than a plain integer., gcc.gnu.org
  • “Unless you need to be compatible with C++98/C++03 or C you should prefer to use nullptr instead of NULL.” (g++ doc)
  • Bjarne Stroustrup comment
    • I prefer to avoid macros, so I use 0.
    • If you have to name the null pointer, call it nullptr.

Implicit Cast of NULL and nullptr

To Pointer Types

  • NULL und nullptr beide implicitly convertible to any pointer type
    • A null pointer constant (see NULL), can be converted to any pointer type (i.e. type with asterisk *), and the result is the null pointer value of that type. (cppreference)

To Integral Types

  • Unlike NULL, nullptr is not implicitly convertible or comparable to integral types (e.g. int, char) (geeksforgeeks)
    • int x = NULL works;
    • int x = nullptr does not work!
  • from C++11:
    • nullptr is of type nullptr_t, which is implicitly convertible and comparable to any
      • pointer type or
      • pointer-to-member type
    • It is not implicitly convertible or comparable to
      • integral types (e.g. int, char), except for bool

Type of NULL

The type of NULL depends on the C++ implementation.

  • Some implementations define NULL as the compiler extension __null with following properties, cppreference:
    • __null is equivalent to a zero-valued integer literal (and thus compatible with the C++ standard) and has the same size as void*, e.g. it is equivalent to 0 (on ILP32 platforms) /0L (on LP64 platforms);
    • conversion from __null to an arithmetic type, including the type of __null itself, may trigger a warning.

In C++11 hat NULL den type nullptr_t (depends on the C++ implementation)

“In C, the macro NULL may have the type void*, but that is not allowed in C++.” (cppreference)

  • how come?: stackoverflow
  • soll heißen: NULL hat in C++ absichtlich nicht (wie in C) den Type void*, weil “there is no implicit cast from void* to any other type in C++” (in C wäre das aber möglich!).
    • Seit C++11 kann NULL den type nullptr_t haben, muss aber nicht (cppreference).

Type of nullptr

nullptr_t is the type of the null pointer literal, nullptr.” (cppreference)

nullptr_t (cppreference):

  • is the type of the null pointer literal, nullptr.
  • is a distinct type that is not itself a pointer type or a pointer to member type.
  • its values
    • are null pointer constants and
    • may be implicitly converted to any pointer and pointer to member type.
  • sizeof(std::nullptr_t) is equal to sizeof(void *).
// Problem: there is no **implicit cast** from `void*` to any other type in C++
void* ptr = nullptr; 
int foo = *ptr;    // this implicit cast is not allowed in C++

gives a compiler error error: ‘void*’ is not a pointer-to-object type.

// Fix: use a different type (a "pointer-to-object" type) instead of `void*` - `void*` is a "pointer-to-nothing"
char* ptr = nullptr; 
int foo = *ptr;

does not give a compiler error because char* is a pointer-to-object type.

Type of __null

__null is a g++ internal thing that serves roughly the same purpose as the standard nullptr added in C++11 (acting consistently as a pointer, never an integer).”, stackoverflow

From cppreference:

  • __null is equivalent to a zero-valued integer literal (and thus compatible with the C++ standard) and has the same size as void*, e.g. it is equivalent to 0 (on ILP32 platforms) /0L (on LP64 platforms);
  • conversion from __null to an arithmetic type, including the type of __null itself, may trigger a warning.

From stackoverflow:

  • The implementation of __null is as a g++ internal.
  • You won’t find it in a header file or anything like that.
  • Basically, it works like reinterpret_cast<void *>(0).


  • a compound type
  • an array type looks like eg. int[7], double[7][8], etc.
    • (see shift - k definition in nvim in array_init.cpp)
  • the dimension must be a constant expression
  • cannot use auto to deduce the type
  • elements in an array are default initialized
    • thus, an array of built-in type that is defined inside a function will have undefined values.


  • examples: see array_init.cpp and array_init_basics.cpp

Default Initialization

unsigned cnt = 42;          // not a constant expression
constexpr unsigned sz = 42; // constant expression

int arr[10];                  // array of ten ints
int *parr[sz];                // array of 42 pointers to int
string bad[cnt];              // error: cnt is not a constant expression
string strs[get_size()];      // ok if get_size is constexpr, error otherwise

Value Initialization

unsigned scores2[11]{};     // 11 buckets, all value initialized to 0
// Lip3.5.2
unsigned scores[11] = {};   // 11 buckets, all value initialized to 0
// actually, this is list initialization, but since in list initialization
// the remaining elements are value initialized this is effectively
// a value initialization of all elements

List Initialization

  • If the dimension is greater than the number of initializers
    • the initializers are used for the first elements
    • remaining elements are value initialized
const unsigned sz = 3;
int ia1[sz] = {0,1,2};          // array of three ints with values 0, 1, 2
int a2[] = {0, 1, 2};           // an array of dimension 3
int a3[5] = {0, 1, 2};          // equivalent to a3[] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 0}
string a4[3] = {"hi", "bye"};   // same as a4[] = {"hi", "bye", ""}
int a5[2] = {0,1,2};            // error: too many initializers

Array Name

From stackoverflow:

It’s not a pointer, const or otherwise, and it’s not anything else, it’s an array.

To see a difference:

int a[10];
int *const b = a;

std::cout << sizeof(a); // prints "40" on my machine.
std::cout << sizeof(b); // prints "4" on my machine.

Clearly a and b are not the same type, since they have different sizes.

In most contexts, an array name “decays” to a pointer to its own first element. You can think of this as an automatic conversion. The result is an rvalue, meaning that it’s “just” a pointer value, and can’t be assigned to, similar to when a function name decays to a function pointer. Doesn’t mean it’s “const” as such, but it’s not assignable.

From JA202:

An array name without brackets is a pointer to the array’s first element

  • You can also use the expression &data[0] to obtain the address of the array’s first element


  • C-style arrays do not support Copy Initialization or Assignment (but std::array does!)
int a[] = {0, 1, 2};  // array of three ints
int a2[] = a;         // error: cannot copy initialize one array with another
a2 = a;               // error: cannot copy assign one array to another

Compiler Substitution of Array Name


special property 1 of arrays:

In most places when we use an array, the compiler automatically substitutes a pointer to the first element

string nums[] = {"one", "two", "three"}; // array of strings
string *p = &nums[0]; // p points to the first element in nums

// Because of special property 1:
string *p2 = nums; // equivalent to p2 = &nums[0]

range for

for (auto i : scores)
  cout << i << " ";
cout << endl;

Subscript Operator

  • distinct from the subscript operator defined by the std::vector class’
  • when we use a variable to subscript an array, we normally should define that variable to have type size_t
  • MUST ALWAYS check that the subscript value is in range
    • Nothing stops a program from stepping across an array boundary
    • It is possible for programs to compile and execute yet still be fatally wrong.

Buffer Overflow

  • an error that the compiler is unlikely to detect
    • instead, the value we get at run time is undefined
  • most common source of security problems are buffer overflow bugs
    • occur when a program fails to check a subscript and mistakenly uses memory outside the range of an array (or similar data structure)
  • to ensure that subscripts are in range is avoid subscripting altogether by using a range for whenever possible
  • occurs for arrays, std::vector

Pointers are Iterators

pointers that address elements in an array have additional operations

  • pointers to array elements support the same operations as iterators on vectors or strings
int arr[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
int *p = arr; // p points to the first element in arr
++p; // p points to arr[1]

special property 2 of arrays:

We can take the address of the nonexistent element one past the last element of an array (“off-the-end pointer”)

  • the only thing we can do with this element is take its address
  • we may not dereference or increment an off-the-end pointer
int *e = &arr[10]; // pointer just past the last element in arr

Print the elements in an array:

// print the elements in arr
for (int *b = arr; b != e; ++b)
  cout << *b << endl; // print the elements in arr

Computing an off-the-end pointer is error-prone. Instead, use begin and end (defined in <iterator>):

#include <iterator>

int ia[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; // ia is an array of ten ints
int *beg = begin(ia); // pointer to the first element in ia
int *last = end(ia); // pointer one past the last element in ia

// pbeg points to the first and pend points just past the last element in arr
int *pbeg = begin(arr), *pend = end(arr);
// find the first negative element, stopping if we’ve seen all the elements
while (pbeg != pend && *pbeg >= 0)

Pointer Arithmetic

  • Computing a pointer more than one past the last element is an error, although the compiler is unlikely to detect such errors.
constexpr size_t sz = 5;
int arr[sz] = {1,2,3,4,5};
int *ip = arr;              // equivalent to int *ip = &arr[0]
int *ip2 = ip + 4;          // ip2 points to arr[4], the last element in arr

// ok: arr is converted to a pointer to its first element; p points one past the end of arr
int *p = arr + sz;          // use caution -- do not dereference!
int *p2 = arr + 10;         // error: arr has only 5 elements; p2 has undefined value; compiler is unlikely to detect this error

// distance between two pointers (to elements of the same array):
// - return type: `ptrdiff_t` (a machine-specific type, in <cstddef> header)
auto n = end(arr) - begin(arr);     // n is 5, the number of elements in arr
  • “compare pointers” using relational operators:
constexpr size_t sz = 5;
int arr[sz] = {1,2,3,4,5};

// eg. traverse the elements in arr
int *b = arr, *e = arr + sz;
while (b < e) {                 // ok: b and e are related
  // use *b

// error: cannot use the relational operators on pointers to two unrelated objects:
int i = 0, sz = 42;
int *p = &i, *e = &sz;
// undefined: p and e are unrelated; comparison is meaningless!
while (p < e)

pointer arithmetic is also valid …

  • for null pointers
    • If p is a null pointer, we can add or subtract an integral constant expression whose value is 0 to p.
    • We can also subtract two null pointers from one another, in which case the result is 0.
  • for pointers that point to an object that is not an array
    • the pointers must point to the same object, or one past that object

References and Pointers to Arrays

int *ptrs[10];              // ptrs is an array of ten pointers to int
int &refs[10] = /* ? */;    // error: no arrays of references

int arr[10];
int (*Parray)[10] = &arr;   // Parray points to an array of ten ints
int (&arrRef)[10] = arr;    // arrRef refers to an array of ten ints -> to pass array "by reference"

Pass an Array by Reference

Similarly, we can pass a parameter that is a reference to an array:

void print(int (&arr)[10])   // the dimension is part of the type
  for (auto elem : arr)
    cout << elem << endl;

Return an Array


  • a function cannot return an array
    • because we cannot copy an array (see “Arrays” → “Copy”)
  • however, a function can return a pointer or a reference to an array
    • see “cpp-pointers-memory.md” → “Returning a Pointer to an Array”

Returning a Pointer to an Array

  • see also “functions.md” → “Return an Array”

Option 1: using a type alias

typedef int arrT[10]; // arrT is a synonym for the type array of ten ints
using arrT = int[10]; // equivalent declaration of arrT
arrT* func(int i); // func returns a pointer to an array of ten ints

Option 2: function that returns a pointer to an array

// Syntax: Type (*function(parameter_list))[dimension]
int (*func(int i))[10];
// compare with: "int (*array)[10];"
// -> aka a normal pointer-to-array (where "array" = "func(int i)"), like in section "References and Pointers to Arrays"
// -> ie. "int (*)[10]" is the return type (proof: see "Option 3")

Option 3: trailing return type syntax:

// func takes an int argument and returns a pointer to an array of ten ints
auto func(int i) -> int(*)[10];

Option 4: using decltype

int odd[] = {1,3,5,7,9};
int even[] = {0,2,4,6,8};
// returns a pointer to an array of five int elements
decltype(odd) *arrPtr(int i)
  return (i % 2) ? &odd : &even; // returns a pointer to the array

Dynamic Memory

Objects in Dynamic Memory

  • managed through new and delete
  • by default, dynamically allocated objects are default initialized
    • built-in or compound type: undefined value
    • class type: default constructor
  • we can also use
    • direct initialization
    • value initialization
  • Best practice:
    • always initialize dynamically allocated objects


  • allocates, constructs and optionally initializes, an object in dynamic memory
  • returns a pointer to that object
  • if the constructor throws an exception:
    • “If initialization terminates by throwing an exception (e.g. from the constructor), if new-expression allocated any storage, it calls the appropriate deallocation function: operator delete for non-array type, operator delete[] for array type.”, cppreference
// default initialization
string *ps = new string; // initialized to empty string
int *pi = new int; // pi points to an uninitialized int

// (forms of) direct initialization:
// traditional:
int *pi = new int(1024); // object to which pi points has value 1024
string *ps = new string(10, '9'); // *ps is "9999999999"
// list initialization (direct-list-initialization)
vector<int> *pv = new vector<int>{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; // vector with ten elements with values from 0 to 9

// value initialization:
string *ps1 = new string; // default initialized to the empty string
string *ps = new string(); // value initialized to the empty string
int *pi1 = new int; // default initialized; *pi1 is undefined
int *pi2 = new int(); // value initialized to 0; *pi2 is 0

// auto: only with a single initializer inside parentheses!
auto p1 = new auto(obj);    // p points to an object of the type of obj
                            // that object is initialized from obj
auto p2 = new auto{a,b,c};  // error: must use parentheses for the initializer

// const objects:
const int *pci = new const int(1024);   // allocate and initialize a const int
const string *pcs = new const string;   // allocate a default-initialized const empty string
// - recall, const objects MUST be initialized
// - pci and pcs are "pointers to const"

Constructors Throwing Exceptions


  • “If initialization terminates by throwing an exception (e.g. from the constructor), if new-expression allocated any storage, it calls the appropriate deallocation function: operator delete for non-array type, operator delete[] for array type.”
  • “The call to the deallocation function is made the value obtained earlier from the allocation function passed as the first argument (…) and placement-params, if any, passed as the additional placement arguments”
    • phth: ie. if we used A *ptr = new A for allocation, then delete ptr is called (ie. ptr is “the value obtained earlier from the allocation function”)

Memory Exhaustion and Exceptions

Memory Exhaustion:

  • by default, if new is unable to allocate the requested storage, it throws an exception of type bad_alloc (defined in the new header)

Prevent throwing an exception:

  • placement new: a placement new lets us pass additional arguments to new
  • to prevent new from throwing an exception pass an object named nothrow (defined in the new header):
    • if unable to allocate the requested storage, this form of new will return a null pointer
// if allocation fails, new returns a null pointer
int *p1 = new int;              // if allocation fails, new throws std::bad_alloc
int *p2 = new (nothrow) int;    // if allocation fails, new returns a null pointer
  • In order to prevent memory exhaustion, we must return dynamically allocated memory to the system once we are finished using it. We return memory through a delete expression.



delete expression     // (1)
  1. destructor: “If expression is not a null pointer (…), the delete expression invokes the destructor (if any) for the object that’s being destroyed, or for every element of the array being destroyed (proceeding from the last element to the first element of the array).”
  2. delete: “After that, whether or not an exception was thrown by any destructor, the delete expression invokes the deallocation function: either operator delete (for the first version of the expression) or operator delete[] (for the second version of the expression)”


  • delete
    • takes a pointer to a dynamic object
    • destroys that object
    • frees the associated memory
  • The pointer we pass to delete must either
    • point to dynamically allocated memory or
    • be a null pointer.
  • Warning: Most compilers will accept the following situations, even though they are undefined:
    • deleting a pointer to memory that was not allocated by new: undefined
    • deleting the same pointer value more than once: undefined
int i, *pi1 = &i, *pi2 = nullptr;
double *pd = new double(33), *pd2 = pd;
delete i;       // error: i is not a pointer
delete pi1;     // undefined: pi1 refers to a local
delete pd;      // ok
delete pd2;     // undefined: the memory pointed to by pd2 was already freed
delete pi2;     // ok: it is always ok to delete a null pointer

// const objects
const int *pci = new const int(1024);
delete pci;     // ok: deletes a const object

Common Problems

  1. Forgetting to delete memory → “memory leak”
    • Neglecting to delete dynamic memory is known as a memory leak, because the memory is never returned to the free store.
    • Testing for memory leaks is difficult because they usually cannot be detected until the application is run for a long enough time to actually exhaust memory.
  2. Using an object after it has been deleted → “dangling pointer”
    • after the delete, the pointer becomes what is referred to as a dangling pointer (Lip, p462)
    • This error can sometimes be detected by making the pointer null after the delete.
  3. Deleting the same memory twice. → “double disposal”/“double delete”
    • This error can happen when two pointers address the same dynamically allocated object.
    • If delete is applied to one of the pointers, then the object’s memory is returned to the free store.
    • If we subsequently delete the second pointer, then the free store may be corrupted.

Dangling Pointers

  • one that refers to memory that once held an object but no longer does so
  • When we delete a pointer,
    • that pointer becomes invalid
    • on many machines the pointer continues to hold the address of the (freed) dynamic memory.
  • dangling pointers have all the problems of uninitialized pointers
  • avoid the problems by
    • deleting just before the pointer itself goes out of scope
    • if we need to keep the pointer around, we can assign nullptr after using delete
      • Warning: resetting a pointer has no effect on any of the other pointers

Smart Pointers

  • to implement the “no naked new” rule
  • “Smart pointers enable automatic, exception-safe, object lifetime management.”
  • a smart pointer acts like a regular pointer with the important exception that it automatically deletes the object to which it points
  • defined in memory header
  • unique_ptr: “owns” the object to which it points
    • represents unique ownership (its destructor destroys its object) (BS)
  • shared_ptr: allows multiple pointers to refer to the same object
    • represents shared ownership (the last shared pointer’s destructor destroys the object) (BS)
    • weak_ptr: companion class, a weak reference to an object managed by a shared_ptr
  • smart pointers are templates (ie must supply type in angle brackets)
  • default initialized smart pointer hold a null pointer

shared_ptr class

BS, p198

  • similar to unique_ptr except that shared_ptrs are copied rather than moved
    • unique_ptrs are “moved” → see section “Passing and Returning unique_ptrs”
  • an object is destroyed when the last of its shared_ptrs is destroyed


shared_ptr<string> p1;  // shared_ptr that can point at a string
shared_ptr<list<int>> p2; // shared_ptr that can point at a list of ints
// if p1 is not null, check whether it's the empty string
if (p1 && p1->empty())
  *p1 = "hi"; // if so, dereference p1 to assign a new value to that string


  • twice the size of a raw pointer


  • best practice: make_shared is the preferred method for constructing an object and returning an appropriate smart pointer
    • BS: Creating an object using new and passing it to a shared_ptr is
      • more verbose
        • therefore, less convenient
      • allows for mistakes
      • notably less efficient
        • because it needs a separate allocation for the use count that is essential in the implementation of a shared_ptr
  • make_shared<type>(args) (non-member function template of std::shared_ptr)
    • allocates and initializes an object in dynamic memory
    • returns a shared_ptr that points to that object
    • if we do not pass any arguments, then the object is value initialized


1) Constructs an object of type T and wraps it in a std::shared_ptr using args as the parameter list for the constructor of T.

// note: only the 1st template parameter refers to the type "T" of the "shared_ptr<T>",
// the remaining template parameters "Args" refer to the type(s) of the 
// arguments "args" passed to one of the constructors of type "T" (see Lip examples below)
template< class T, class... Args >
shared_ptr<T> make_shared( Args&&... args );



// shared_ptr that points to an int with value 42
shared_ptr<int> p3 = make_shared<int>(42);
// p4 points to a string with value 9999999999
shared_ptr<string> p4 = make_shared<string>(10, '9');
// p5 points to an int that is value initialized to 0
shared_ptr<int> p5 = make_shared<int>();

// ordinarily we use auto:
// p6 points to a dynamically allocated, empty vector<string>
auto p6 = make_shared<vector<string>>();

Copy and Assign shared_ptrs

  • copyable and movable


  • keeps track of how many other shared_ptrs point to the same object
  • reference count (aka “use count”):
    • is incremented when we
      • copy a shared_ptr
      • use a shared_ptr to initialize another shared_ptr,
      • use a shared_ptr as the right-hand operand of an assignment,
      • pass it to a function by value
      • return it from a function by value
    • is decremented when
      • we assign a new value to the shared_ptr
      • the shared_ptr itself is destroyed
        • such as when a local shared_ptr goes out of scope
    • Once a shared_ptr’s counter goes to zero, the shared_ptr automatically frees the object that it manages
    • Note: The reference count does not have to be a counter. Some other data structure may be used. This is up to the implementation.
auto p = make_shared<int>(42); // object to which p points has one user
auto q(p); // p and q point to the same object
// object to which p and q point has two users

auto r = make_shared<int>(42); // int to which r points has one user
r = q; // assign to r, making it point to a different address
// increase the use count for the object to which q points
// reduce the use count of the object to which r had pointed
// the object r had pointed to has no users; that object is automatically freed

// Returns the number of objects sharing with p; may be a slow
// operation, intended primarily for debugging purposes.
// Returns true if p.use_count() is one; false otherwise.



shared_ptr( shared_ptr&& r ) noexcept; // (10) 

// 10) Move-constructs a `shared_ptr` from `r`. After the construction, `*this` contains 
//     a copy of the previous state of `r`, `r` is empty and its stored pointer is null.

Why moving instead of copying a shared_ptr is good: stackoverflow

Empty shared_ptr

  • “A shared_ptr may also own no objects, in which case it is called empty”, cppreference

What does use_count return, if a shared_ptr owns no object?

  • “If there is no managed object, 0 is returned.”, cppreference

Destroy shared_ptrs

  • automatically destroys the object to which that shared_ptr points via the destructor of the shared_ptr class, if the object’s reference count goes to 0
  • the destructor of the shared_ptr class
    • frees the resources that an object has allocated (all destructors do this)
    • reduce the use count of the object to which that shared_ptr points

Factory Functions

  • shared_ptrs are often used for factory functions
    • which are called “factory” because they “produce” a new object (“a product”)
// factory returns a shared_ptr pointing to a dynamically allocated object
shared_ptr<Foo> factory(T arg)
  // process arg as appropriate
  // shared_ptr will take care of deleting this memory
  return make_shared<Foo>(arg);

void use_factory(T arg)
  shared_ptr<Foo> p = factory(arg);
  // use p
} // p goes out of scope => p is destroyed => its reference count is decremented; 
  // the memory to which p points is automatically freed

// - unlike above, here, the return statement in use_factory returns a copy of p to its caller
//   - Copying a shared_ptr adds to the reference count of that object
//   - therefore, the memory itself will not be freed (exactly, what we want!)
shared_ptr<Foo> use_factory(T arg)
  shared_ptr<Foo> p = factory(arg);
  // use p
  return p; // reference count is incremented when we return p
} // p goes out of scope; the local variable/object p is destroyed => its reference count is decremented;
  // the memory to which p points is not freed

Note: The same does not work with dynamic objects managed through built-in pointers:

// factory returns a pointer to a dynamically allocated object
Foo* factory(T arg)
  // process arg as appropriate
  return new Foo(arg); // caller is responsible for deleting this memory

// "memory leak"
// - cannot be detected until the application is run for a long enough time to actually exhaust memory
void use_factory(T arg)
  Foo *p = factory(arg);
  // use p but do not delete it
} // p goes out of scope, but the memory to which p points is not freed!

// fix 1
void use_factory(T arg)
  Foo *p = factory(arg);
  // use p
  delete p; // remember to free the memory now that we no longer need it

// fix 2 (if we still need the allocated object)
Foo* use_factory(T arg)
  Foo *p = factory(arg);
  // use p
  return p; // caller must delete the memory

Factory Functions vs Constructors

read: stackoverflow

  • “They both are there to create instance of an object.”
  • “So - for simple classes (value objects, etc.) constructor is just fine (you don’t want to overengineer your application) but for complex class hierarchies factory method is a preferred way.”

related: When Is Factory Class Better Than Calling Constructor? related: List of “Design Patterns” (from the book written by the “Gang of Four”)

Destroy shared_ptrs that are not needed

  • make sure that shared_ptrs don’t stay around after they are no longer needed
    • The program will execute correctly but may waste memory if you neglect to destroy shared_ptrs that the program does not need
    • example:
      • if you put shared_ptrs in a container, and you subsequently need to use some, but not all, of the elements, remember to erase the elements you no longer need

A Class with Resources That Have Dynamic Lifetime

Problem: by default, vector makes “deep copies”

vector<string> v1; // empty vector
{ // new scope
  vector<string> v2 = {"a", "an", "the"};
  v1 = v2; // copies the elements from v2 into v1
} // v2 is destroyed, which destroys the elements in v2
  // v1 has three elements, which are copies (ie "deep" copies) of the ones originally in v2

We want: “shallow copies”

  • define a class that uses dynamic memory in order to let several objects share the same underlying data
Blob<string> b1; // empty Blob
{ // new scope
  Blob<string> b2 = {"a", "an", "the"};
  b1 = b2; // b1 and b2 share the same elements
} // b2 is destroyed, but the elements in b2 must not be destroyed
  // b1 points to the elements originally created in b2

Solution: store the vector in dynamic memory

// a vector class that "shallow copies", unlike the std::vector class

class StrBlob {
    typedef std::vector<std::string>::size_type size_type;

    StrBlob(std::initializer_list<std::string> il);

    size_type size() const { return data->size(); }
    bool empty() const { return data->empty(); }

    // add and remove elements
    void push_back(const std::string &t) {data->push_back(t);}
    void pop_back();

    // element access
    std::string& front();
    std::string& back();

    std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> data;

    // throws msg if data[i] isn’t valid
    void check(size_type i, const std::string &msg) const;

// constructors
StrBlob::StrBlob(): data(make_shared<vector<string>>()) { }
StrBlob::StrBlob(initializer_list<string> il):
    data(make_shared<vector<string>>(il)) { }

// copy, assign, destroy:
// - use the default versions of the operations that copy, assign, and destroy objects of its type
//   - memberwise: the default versions copy, assign, and destroy the object's members
//     - StrBlob has only one data member, which is a shared_ptr
//       - the vector allocated by StrBlob constructors is automatically destroyed when the reference count goes to 0

// element access members
void StrBlob::check(size_type i, const string &msg) const
  if (i >= data->size())
    throw out_of_range(msg);
string& StrBlob::front()
  // if the vector is empty, check will throw
  check(0, "front on empty StrBlob");
  return data->front();
string& StrBlob::back()
  check(0, "back on empty StrBlob");
  return data->back();
void StrBlob::pop_back()
  check(0, "pop_back on empty StrBlob");

Using shared_ptrs with new

shared_ptr<double> p1; // shared_ptr that can point at a double
shared_ptr<int> p2(new int(42)); // p2 points to an int with value 42

// smart pointer constructors that take pointers are `explicit`
// (ie. cannot implicitly convert a built-in pointer to a smart pointer)
shared_ptr<int> p1 = new int(1024); // error: must use direct initialization
shared_ptr<int> p2(new int(1024)); // ok: uses direct initialization

// for the same reason, this return statement does not work
shared_ptr<int> clone(int p) {
  return new int(p); // error: implicit conversion to shared_ptr<int>

// instead, must explicitly bind a shared_ptr to the pointer
shared_ptr<int> clone(int p) {
  // ok: explicitly create a shared_ptr<int> from int*
  return shared_ptr<int>(new int(p));

Do Not Mix Ordinary Pointers and Smart Pointers

  • General Rule: Once we give shared_ptr responsibility for a pointer, we should no longer use a built-in pointer to access the memory to which the shared_ptr now points.
// ptr is created and initialized when process is called
void process(shared_ptr<int> ptr)
  // use ptr
} // ptr goes out of scope and is destroyed

// right way to use this function
shared_ptr<int> p(new int(42)); // reference count is 1
process(p);                     // copying p increments its count; in process the reference count is 2
int i = *p;                     // ok: reference count is 1

// WRONG way to use this function
int *x(new int(1024));        // dangerous: x is a plain pointer, not a smart pointer
process(x);                   // error: cannot convert int* to shared_ptr<int>
process(shared_ptr<int>(x));  // legal, but the memory will be deleted! => don't pass built-in pointer to temporary shared_ptr!
int j = *x;                   // undefined: x is a dangling pointer!

Do Not Use “get” to Initialize or Assign Another Smart Pointer

  • get
    • returns a built-in pointer to the object that the smart pointer is managing
    • DO:
      • intended for cases when we need to pass a built-in pointer to code that can’t use a smart pointer
    • DON’T:
      • code that uses the return from get must not delete that pointer
      • must not bind another smart pointer to the pointer returned by get (although the compiler will not complain)
shared_ptr<int> p(new int(42)); // reference count is 1 (there is only ONE reference count for both p and q)
int *q = p.get();               // ok: but don't use q in any way that might delete its pointer
{ // new block
  // undefined: two independent "shared_ptr"s point to the same memory
  shared_ptr<int>(q);           // bind ANOTHER smart pointer to the pointer returned by `get`
  // note: this does not explicitly call the constructor, instead this line creates
  // a temporary unnamed object with type "shared_ptr", which is destroyed immediately
  // after ";" (see https://stackoverflow.com/a/18892056)
} // block ends, q is destroyed, and the memory to which q points is freed
int foo = *p;                   // undefined; the memory to which p points was freed


  • to assign a new pointer to a shared_ptr
  • updates the reference counts
    • if appropriate, deletes the object to which the shared_ptr points
shared_ptr<int> p(new int(42));
p = new int(1024);          // error: cannot assign a pointer to a shared_ptr
p.reset(new int(1024));     // ok: p points to a new object
// from Table 12.3:
// If p is the only shared_ptr pointing at its object, reset frees
// p's existing object. If the optional built-in pointer q is passed,
// makes p point to q, otherwise makes p null.
  • often used together with unique to control changes to the object shared among several shared_ptrs
if (!p.unique())          // Before changing the underlying object, we check whether we're the only user.
  p.reset(new string(*p));    // we aren't alone; allocate a new "deep" copy (and let p point to it); 
                              // reduce the use count of the object to which p had pointed;
                              // other users can continue using the original object to which p had pointed
*p += newVal; // now that we know we're the only pointer, okay to change this object

Other Ways to Define shared_ptrs

// from Table 12.3

// p manages the object to which the BUILT-IN POINTER q points;
// q must point to memory allocated by "new" and must be
// convertible to T*.
shared_ptr<T> p(q)

// p assumes ownership from the UNIQUE_PTR u; makes u null.
shared_ptr<T> p(u)

Special Problems

From lecture slides:

int i = std::atoi(argv[1]);
// execution order: 
// 1. new X{}                       // allocate
// 2. do_something(i)               // may throw an exception!
// 3. std::shared_ptr<X>(...)       // memory allocated in 1. is bound to a shared_ptr
// 4. f()                           // where 2. and 3. are passed to f()
// -> will leak, if do_something() throws an exception in step 2.!
try { f(std::shared_ptr<X>(new X{}), do_something(i)); }
catch (int&) { std::cout << "exception main\n"; }


  • in code below:
    • unlike unique_ptr, shared_ptr are copied rather than moved
    • in the code below f() or g() may spawn a task holding a copy of fp or in some other way store a copy that outlives user()
      • problem: makes the lifetime of the shared object hard to predict
    • best practice: use shared_ptr only if you actually need shared ownership
// problem: lifetime of the shared object (an fstream) is hard to predict

void f(shared_ptr<fstream>);
void g(shared_ptr<fstream>);

// cppreference:
// ios_base is a multipurpose class that serves as the base class for all I/O stream classes.
void user(const string& name, ios_base::openmode mode)
  shared_ptr<fstream> fp {new fstream(name,mode)};
  if (!fp)         // make sure the file was properly opened
    throw No_file{};

  // ...

unique_ptr class

  • “owns” the object to which it points
  • only one unique_ptr at a time can point to a given object
  • movable but not copyable
  • release
    • returns the pointer currently stored in the unique_ptr
    • makes that unique_ptr null
  • reset
    • takes an optional pointer
    • repositions the unique_ptr to point to the given pointer
    • if the unique_ptr is not null, then the object to which the unique_ptr had pointed is deleted


  • A unique_ptr is a handle to an individual object (or an array)
    • in much the same way that a vector is a handle to a sequence of objects.
    • Both control the lifetime of other objects (using RAII) and
    • both rely on elimination of copying (copy elision) or on move semantics to make return simple and efficient

Declare, Initialize

// declaration
unique_ptr<double> p1; // unique_ptr that can point at a double
// must use the direct form of initialization
unique_ptr<int> p2(new int(42)); // p2 points to int with value 42

Copy Control

  • movable but not copyable
// does not support ordinary copy or assignment
unique_ptr<string> p1(new string("Stegosaurus"));
unique_ptr<string> p2(p1);  // error: no copy for unique_ptr
unique_ptr<string> p3;
p3 = p2;                    // error: no assign for unique_ptr

// transfers ownership from p1 (which points to the string Stegosaurus ) to p2
unique_ptr<string> p2(p1.release()); // release makes p1 null
unique_ptr<string> p3(new string("Trex"));
// transfers ownership from p3 to p2
p2.reset(p3.release()); // reset deletes the memory to which p2 had pointed

// problem with "release"
p2.release(); // WRONG: p2 won't free the memory and we’ve lost the pointer
auto p = p2.release(); // ok, but we must remember to delete(p)

// Deletes the object to which p1 points; makes p1 null. (from Table 12.4)
p1 = nullptr
// or equivalently:
p1.reset()          // option 1
p1.reset(nullptr)   // option 2


  • since C++14
  • in C++11: there is no library function comparable to make_shared that returns a unique_ptr
    • instead, we bind it to a pointer returned by new
struct S {
  int i;
  string s;
  double d;
  // ...

auto p1 = make_shared<S>(1,"Ankh Morpork",4.65); // p1 is a shared_ptr<S>
auto p2 = make_unique<S>(2,"Oz",7.62);           // p2 is a unique_ptr<S>


  • relinquishes control of the pointer u had held
  • returns the pointer u had held
  • makes u null


// from Table 12.4:
// Deletes the object to which u points;
// If the built-in pointer q is supplied, makes u point to that object.
// Otherwise makes u null.
u.reset()         // makes "u" "equivalent to" nullptr (see Question 1 below)

Question 1: What is the result of u.reset() without an argument?


void reset( pointer ptr = pointer() ) noexcept;     // (1)
  • only (1) is important
  • (2) and (3) refer to unique_ptrs to arrays
  • (1) says that
    • reset’s default argument is pointer(), ie. a nameless temporary of type pointer
      • pointer is a “member type” (see cppreference) of class template std::unique_ptr
    • reset is a normal member function (not a template itself!)
    • hence, if no argument is provided, reset() defaults to reset(T*()) (reset to a value initialized nameless temporary of type T*)
      • value initialization always zero-initializes first, so that built-in pointer types T* are reset to (T*)0
      • since the C-style cast uses static_cast (here in this case), (T*)0 returns static_cast<T*>(0)
      • from static_cast cppreference: “returns the imaginary variable Temp initialized as if by target-type Temp(expression);
        • thus, static_cast<T*>(0) will return T* Temp(0)
      • since unique_ptr requires that its member type pointer must be a NullablePointer
        • thus, the type T* in T* Temp(0) must satisfy:
// cppreference:
// The type must satisfy the following additional expressions, given 
// two values p and q that are of the type, and that np is a value 
// of std::nullptr_t type (possibly const qualified): 

Type p(np);   // Afterwards, p is equivalent to nullptr
Type p = np;  // Afterwards, p is equivalent to nullptr
  • thus, Temp in T* Temp(0) is equivalent to nullptr
  • thus, u.reset() without an argument will return nullptr

Prevents Memory Leaks

// BS15.2.1: 
// most basic use of these "smart pointers" is to prevent memory leaks
void f(int i, int j)          // X* vs. unique_ptr<X>
  X p = new X;               // allocate a new X
  unique_ptr<X> sp {new X};   // allocate a new X and give its pointer to unique_ptr
  // ...
  if (i<99) throw Z{};        // may throw an exception
  if (j<77) return;           // may return "early"
  // ... use p and sp ..
  delete p;                   // destroy *p
// - we delete p, BUT we "forgot" to delete p if i<99 or if j<77
// - only a "unique_ptr" ensures that its object is properly destroyed whichever way 
//   we exit f() (by throwing an exception, by executing return, or by "falling off the end")

Passing and Returning unique_ptrs

  • one exception to the rule that we cannot copy a unique_ptr:
    • We can copy or assign a unique_ptr that is about to be destroyed
  • in the following cases, the compiler does a special kind of “copy”, a “move”:
unique_ptr<int> clone(int p) {
  // ok: explicitly create a unique_ptr<int> from int*
  return unique_ptr<int>(new int(p));

// alternatively: return a copy of a local object
unique_ptr<int> clone(int p) {
  unique_ptr<int> ret(new int (p));
  // . . .
  return ret;

// from BS:
// often used for passing free-store allocated objects in and out of functions
unique_ptr<X> make_X(int i)
// make an X and immediately give it to a unique_ptr
  // ... check i, etc. ...
  return unique_ptr<X>{new X{i}};

weak_ptr class

  • a companion class
  • points to an object that is managed by a shared_ptr
    • binding a weak_ptr to a shared_ptr does not change the reference count of that shared_ptr
    • an object will be deleted even if there are weak_ptrs pointing to it
  • hence, a smart pointer that does not control the lifetime of the object to which it points
  • we cannot use a weak_ptr to access its object directly
// initialize a weak_ptr from a shared_ptr
auto p = make_shared<int>(42);
weak_ptr<int> wp(p); // wp weakly shares with p; use count in p is unchanged


  • to access a weak_ptr’s object, we must call lock()
    • the lock() function checks whether the object to which the weak_ptr points still exists
    • if so, lock() returns a shared_ptr to the shared object
if (shared_ptr<int> np = wp.lock()) { // true if np is not null
  // inside the if, np shares its object with p

Best practices

When to use Smart Pointers?


  • try to not use them
    • smart pointers do not address eg. data races
    • smart pointers do not in themselves provide any rules for which of their owners can read and/or write the shared object
  • first, try to use containers and other types that manage their resources
  • in general, use them only when we really need pointer semantics:
    • when we share an object → shared_ptr
    • when there is an obvious single owner → unique_ptr
    • when we refer to a polymorphic object → unique_ptr
    • a shared polymorphic object → shared_ptr

typedef smart pointer types

From isocpp:

By the way, if you think your Fred class is going to be allocated into a smart pointer, be nice to your users and create a typedef within your Fred class:

#include <memory>
class Fred {
  typedef std::unique_ptr<Fred> Ptr;
  // ...

That typedef simplifies the syntax of all the code that uses your objects: your users can say Fred::Ptr instead of std::unique_ptr<Fred>:

#include "Fred.h"
void f(std::unique_ptr<Fred> p);  // explicit but verbose
void f(Fred::Ptr             p);  // simpler
void g()
  std::unique_ptr<Fred> p1( new Fred() );  // explicit but verbose
  Fred::Ptr             p2( new Fred() );  // simpler
  // ...


  • “Resource Acquisition Is Initialization”
    • resources (“anything that exists in limited supply”)
      • allocated heap memory (here: acquisition = allocation)
      • thread of execution
      • open socket
      • open file
      • locked mutex
      • disk space
      • database connection
  • aka
    • Constructor Acquires, Destructor Releases (CADRe)
    • Scope-Bound Resource Management (SBRM) (for the special case of automatic variables)
      • name because of “the basic use case where the lifetime of an RAII object ends due to scope exit”
    • Destruction is Resource Release, stackoverflow
  • read: cppreference: raii
  • RAII guarantees that
    • the resource is available to any function that may access the object (resource availability is a class invariant, eliminating redundant runtime tests).
    • all resources are released when the lifetime of their controlling object ends, in reverse order of acquisition.
    • Likewise, if resource acquisition fails (the constructor exits with an exception), all resources acquired by every fully-constructed member and base subobject are released in reverse order of initialization.


  • The technique of
    • acquiring resources in a constructor and
    • releasing them in a destructor
  • basis for most C++ general resource management techniques
    • very commonly used to manage data that can vary in size during the lifetime of an object
  • allows us to eliminate
    • “naked new operations”
      • that is, to avoid allocations in general code and keep them buried inside the implementation of well-behaved abstractions
    • “naked delete operations”
    • Avoiding naked new and naked delete makes code
      • far less error-prone and
      • far easier to keep free of resource leaks


  • In RAII
    • holding a resource is a class invariant, and is tied to object lifetime
    • resource allocation (or acquisition) is done during object creation (specifically initialization), by the constructor
    • resource deallocation (release) is done during object destruction (specifically finalization), by the destructor
    • In other words, resource acquisition must succeed for initialization to succeed.

Dynamic Memory and Arrays

two ways to allocate an array of objects at once:

  1. a second kind of new expression that allocates and initializes an array of objects
  2. a template class named allocator that lets us separate allocation from initialization
    • using an allocator generally provides better performance and more flexible memory management
  • Warning: Classes that allocate dynamic arrays must define their own copy, assignment and destruction
    • best practice: use containers (easier, faster and safer)



  • by default, default initialized
  • we can also
    • value initialize
    • list initialize
      • initializers are used to initialize the first elements in the array
      • If there are fewer initializers than elements, the remaining elements are value initialized
      • If there are more initializers than the given size, then the new expression fails and no storage is allocated
        • In this case, new throws an exception of type bad_array_new_length (in new header)
  • we cannot use auto to allocate an array
// value initialization
int *pia = new int[10];           // block of ten uninitialized ints
int *pia2 = new int[10]();        // block of ten ints value initialized to 0
string *psa = new string[10];     // block of ten empty strings
string *psa2 = new string[10]();  // block of ten empty strings

// list initialization
// block of ten ints each initialized from the corresponding initializer
int *pia3 = new int[10]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
// block of ten strings; the first four are initialized from the given initializers
// remaining elements are value initialized
string *psa3 = new string[10]{"a", "an", "the", string(3,x)};

Empty Arrays

  • it is legal to dynamically allocate an empty array
    • even though we cannot create an array variable of size 0
char arr[0];              // error: cannot define a zero-length array
char *cp = new char[0];   // ok: but cp can't be dereferenced

begin and end

  • cannot call begin or end
    • because when we use new to allocate an array, we get a pointer to the element type of the array and not an array

range for

  • cannot use a range for
    • because when we use new to allocate an array, we get a pointer to the element type of the array and not an array


  • like new, but allocator decouples memory allocation from object construction
  • allocates raw, unconstructed memory
  • a template
  • cppreference: “The std::allocator class template is the default Allocator used by all standard library containers if no user-specified allocator is provided.”
// define an allocator
allocator<string> alloc;            // object that can allocate strings
auto const p = alloc.allocate(n);   // allocate n unconstructed strings


We use this unconstructed memory from allocate() by constructing objects in that memory:

The construct(p, args) member takes:

  1. a pointer p
    • construct constructs an element at the location given by the pointer
  2. zero or more additional arguments args
    • are used to initialize the object being constructed
    • if args are of class type
    • args are passed to a constructor for type T
auto q = p; // q will point to one past the last constructed element
alloc.construct(q++);               // *q is the empty string
alloc.construct(q++, 10, 'c');      // *q is cccccccccc
alloc.construct(q++, "hi");         // *q is hi!

Using unconstructed memory is undefined:

cout << *p << endl; // ok: uses the string output operator
cout << *q << endl; // disaster: q points to unconstructed memory!


After using the constructed elements they must be destroyed:

while (q != p)
  alloc.destroy(--q); // free the strings we actually allocated

Warning: Destroy only elements that are actually constructed.


Once the elements have been destroyed, return the memory to the system:

alloc.deallocate(p, n);

The pointer p

  • must not be null
  • must point to memory allocated by allocate

The size argument n must be the same size as used in the call to allocate that obtained the memory.