Exception Handling


  • an exception is raised by throwing an expression
  • The type of the thrown expression, together with the current call chain, determines which handler will deal with the exception.
    • The selected handler is the one nearest in the call chain that matches the type of the thrown object.
      • The type and contents of that object allow the throwing part of the program to inform the handling part about what went wrong.
  • exception safe code: code that properly “cleans up” during exception handling
    • must ensure that
      • objects are valid,
      • resources don’t leak,
      • the program is restored to an appropriate state

throw Expression

  • throw expressions, which the detecting part uses to indicate that it encountered something it can’t handle.
    • We say that a throw raises an exception.

Why not use Return Codes?

Naive way: by returning an error indicator:

Sales_item item1, item2;
cin >> item1 >> item2;
// first check that item1 and item2 represent the same book
if (item1.isbn() == item2.isbn()) {
  cout << item1 + item2 << endl;
  return 0;           // indicate success
} else {
  cerr << "Data must refer to same ISBN"
            << endl;
  return -1;          // indicate failure

Better: separate the part that adds the objects from the part that manages the interaction with a user:

  • throw an expression (that is an object of type runtime_error)
  • throwing an exception
    1. terminates the current function (calls std::terminate which itself calls std::abort) and
    2. transfers control to a handler that will know how to handle this error
  • Because the statements following a throw are not executed, a throw is like a return
    • It is usually part of a conditional statement or is the last (or only) statement in a function.
  • type runtime_error
    • in the stdexcept header
    • must initialize a runtime_error by giving it a string or a C-style character string
// first check that the data are for the same item
if (item1.isbn() != item2.isbn())
  throw runtime_error("Data must refer to same ISBN");
// if we're still here, the ISBNs are the same
cout << item1 + item2 << endl;

try Block

  • try blocks, which the handling part uses to deal with an exception.
    • A try block starts with the keyword try and ends with one or more catch clauses.
    • Exceptions thrown from code executed inside a try block are usually handled by one of the catch clauses.
    • Because they “handle” the exception, catch clauses are also known as exception handlers.
  • Following the try block is a list of one or more catch clauses.
  • A catch consists of three parts:
    1. the keyword catch,
    2. the declaration of a (possibly unnamed) object within parentheses (referred to as an exception declaration),
    3. and a block.
      • When a catch is selected to handle an exception, the associated block is executed.
  • Once the catch finishes, execution continues with the statement immediately following the last catch clause of the try block
  • When a handler is entered, objects created along the call chain will have been destroyed. (see Stack Unwinding)
try {
} catch (exception-declaration) {
} catch (exception-declaration) {
} // ...


// https://www.w3schools.com/cpp/cpp_exceptions.asp
try {
  int age = 15;
  if (age >= 18) {
    cout << "Access granted - you are old enough.";
  } else {
    throw (age);
catch (int myNum) {
  cout << "Access denied - You must be at least 18 years old.\n";
  cout << "Age is: " << myNum;

Standard Exceptions


  • to report problems encountered in the functions in the standard library
  • also intended to be used in the programs we write


  • 4 headers
    • exception
      • defines exception (exception without additional information)
    • stdexcept
      • defines general-purpose exception classes:
        • exception
        • runtime_error
        • range_error
        • overflow_error
        • underflow_error
        • logic_error
        • domain_error
        • invalid_argumentlength_error
        • out_of_range
    • new
      • defines bad_alloc
    • type_info
      • defines bad_cast

Exception Classes

  • are used to pass information about what happened between a throw and an associated catch.
  • we can create, copy, and assign objects of any of the exception types
  • initialization
    • most exception type objects are initialized from either a string or a C-style string (that provides additional information about the error that occurred)
    • types that can only be default initialized (cannot take an initializer)
      • exception
      • bad_alloc
      • bad_cast
  • exception types define a what function
    • takes no arguments
    • returns a const char* that points to a C-style character string
      • contents of returned string:
        • types that take a string initializer: return that string
        • other types: return value depends on the compiler
    • purpose: provide some sort of textual description of the exception thrown
// https://cplusplus.com/reference/exception/exception/what/
// exception::what
#include <iostream>       // std::cout
#include <exception>      // std::exception

struct ooops : std::exception {
  const char* what() const noexcept {return "Ooops!\n";}

int main () {
  try {
      throw ooops();
  } catch (std::exception& ex) {
      std::cout << ex.what();
  return 0;


  • a throw that is not followed by an expression (“empty” throw)
  • to pass an exception out to another catch
    • the (current) exception object is passed up the chain
  • can appear only in
    • in a catch
    • in a function called (directly or indirectly) from a catch
  • if it appears in other places: std::terminate is called
catch (my_error &eObj) {                // specifier must be a reference type (if we want to modify the exception object, before rethrowing)
  eObj.status = errCodes::severeErr;    // modifies the exception object
  throw;                                // the status member of the exception object is severeErr
} catch (other_error eObj) {
  // ...

Catch-All Handler

  • use:
    • “The series of handlers is rather like a switch statement. The handler marked (...) is rather like a default (in a switch statement). Note, however, that there is no fall through from one handler to another as there is from one case to another.”, Stroustrup paper
    • “This can be used as a default handler that catches all exceptions not caught by other handlers”, cplusplus
  • to catch any exception that might occur, regardless of type
  • use an ellipsis for the exception declaration
  • A catch-all clause matches any type of exception
  • often used in combination with a rethrow expression
    • again, to pass the exception out to another catch
  • If a catch(...) is used in combination with other catch clauses, it must be last.
    • Any catch that follows a catch-all can never be matched.
void manip() {
  try {
    // actions that cause an exception to be thrown
  catch (...) {
    // work to partially handle the exception
    // (eg. "delete" some object to free memory)
    throw;    // rethrow (pass the exception to some
              // other handler)

related: stackoverflow

Stack Unwinding

  • read: Lip, p773 “Stack Unwinding” !!!
  • “the search for a matching catch clause”
  • the process
    • that starts when an exception is thrown
    • that continues up the chain of nested function calls until
      • a catch clause for the exception is found, or
        • effect: executing the code inside that catch. When the catch completes, execution continues at the point immediately after the last catch clause
      • the main function itself is exited without having found a matching catch
        • effect: the program calls the library terminate function
  • An exception that is not caught terminates the program.
  • definition: cppreference


  • During the search for a matching catch, the catch that is found is not necessarily the one that matches the exception best.
    • Instead, the selected catch is the first one that matches the exception at all.
  • As a consequence, in a list of catch clauses, the most specialized catch must appear first.

Object Destruction when Blocks are Exited

  • read: Lip, p773 “Stack Unwinding” !!!
  • from Lippman:
    • Ordinarily, local objects are destroyed when the block in which they are created is exited. Stack unwinding is no exception.
    • When a block is exited during stack unwinding, the compiler guarantees that objects created in that block are properly destroyed.
    • If a local object is of
      • class type, the destructor for that object is called automatically.
      • built-in type, the compiler does no work to destroy that object.
        • this includes raw pointers: int *a, MyClass *b (note: b is a raw pointer, although MyClass is a class type)
        • good example: “On you specific questions, when an exception is thrown in a constructor, all fully constructed subobjects will be destroyed. That means that in the case of b it will be destroyed, in the case of c, it being a raw pointer, nothing is done.”
  • from cppreference:
    • “Once the exception object is constructed, the control flow works backwards (up the call stack) until it reaches the start of a try block, …”
    • “As the control flow moves up the call stack, destructors are invoked for all objects with automatic storage duration that are constructed, but not yet destroyed, since the corresponding try-block was entered, in reverse order of completion of their constructors.”
    • “If an exception is thrown from a constructor or (rare) from a destructor of an object (regardless of the object’s storage duration), destructors are called for all fully-constructed non-static non-variant members and base classes, in reverse order of completion of their constructors.”

Uncaught Exceptions

(to understand destructor1.cpp)

Question: Why do we get ./a.out 1 : A()0 A()1 terminate called after throwing?

Answer: Because the destructors (here: ~A()0) are not called until the catch is found.


“If an exception is thrown and not caught, including exceptions that escape (…) the main function (…), then std::terminate is called. It is implementation-defined whether any stack unwinding takes place for uncaught exceptions.”

From stackoverflow:

You seem to be under the impression that the destructors are called while searching for a matching catch(). That does not have to be the case.

Destructors from the current location in the program to the matching catch() end up getting called, but that does not need to start happening until the catch is found.

The second block just states that if no catch is found, then the program is allowed to immediately terminate as soon as it makes that determination.

Handle a Constructor that fails

From isocpp:


  • 1) Throw an exception.
    • Constructors don’t have a return type, so it’s not possible to use return codes.
    • The best way to signal constructor failure is therefore to throw an exception.
  • 2) “zombie” state: If you don’t have the option of using exceptions, the “least bad” work-around is to put the object into a “zombie” state by setting an internal status bit so the object acts sort of like it’s dead even though it is technically still alive.
    • In practice the “zombie” thing gets pretty ugly.

related: “Constructors throwing Exceptions” → Notes on “Classes”



From stackoverflow:

Static assert is used to make assertions at compile time. When the static assertion fails, the program simply doesn’t compile. This is useful in different situations, like, for example, if you implement some functionality by code that critically depends on unsigned int object having exactly 32 bits. You can put a static assert like this

static_assert(sizeof(unsigned int) * CHAR_BIT == 32);

in your code. On another platform, with differently sized unsigned int type the compilation will fail, thus drawing attention of the developer to the problematic portion of the code and advising them to re-implement or re-inspect it.