
  • table of all containers: cppreference
  • each container is defined in a header file with the same name as the type
  • containers are class templates (3.3)
  • container types: see “Types”

Constraints on Types That a Container Can Hold

We can define a container for a type that does not support an operation-specific requirement

  • but we can use an operation only if the element type meets that operation’s requirements
  • eg. some classes do not have a default constructor, so that we cannot construct such containers using only an element count:
    • operation: construct a container using only an element count
    • requirement: element type must have default constructor
// assume noDefault is a type without a default constructor
vector<noDefault> v1(10, init);   // ok: element initializer supplied
vector<noDefault> v2(10);         // error: must supply an element initializer

This is enabled by the fact that members are instantiated only if we use them (see class templates).


  • “a container that encapsulates fixed size arrays”
  • “an aggregate type”
  • “same semantics as a struct holding a C-style array T[N] as its only non-static data member.”
    • But: Unlike a C-style array,
      • it doesn’t decay to T* automatically
      • it supports copy initialization from
        • same size array
        • same size initializer_list
        • smaller size initializer_list (missing elements are value initialized)
        • not supported: elements in a range, C c(b,e)


  • flexible-size array (as opposed to the fixed-size array std::array)
  • std::vector is a template, not a type
  • elements are stored contiguously
  • how a vector grows
    • Vectors typically allocate capacity beyond what is immediately needed.
    • The container holds this storage in reserve and uses it to allocate new elements as they are added.
      • Thus, there is no need to reallocate (“vector zu einem Ort umlagern wo mehr Platz ist”) the container each time an element is added
    • dramatically more efficient than reallocating the container each time an element is added
  • container size management:
    • container size management functions, see Table 9.10
      • c.shrink_to_fit(): Request to reduce capacity() to equal size()
      • c.capacity(): Number of elements c can have before reallocation is necessary.
      • c.reserve(n): Allocate space for at least n elements.
    • vector size: number of elements the vector already holds
    • vector capacity: how many elements it can hold before more space must be allocated

Element Access:


  • “Returns a reference to the first element in the container.”
  • “Calling front on an empty container causes undefined behavior.”


  • “Returns a reference to the last element in the container.”
  • “Calling back on an empty container causes undefined behavior.”

By subscript:

  • type of a subscript is the corresponding size_type (eg. vector<int>::size_type)
  • buffer overflow errors: see the corresponding section in section “Arrays” (C-style)

Add Elements:

Best practice:

  • do not define a vector of a specific size
    • often unnecessary - and can result in poorer performance - to define a vector of a specific size
    • it is usually more efficient to define an empty vector and add elements as the values we need become known at run time
  • Starting with an empty vector is distinctly different from how built-in arrays are used in C or Java (where it is best to define a vector at its expected size)


  • “Appends the given element value to the end of the container”
  • “If the new size() is greater than capacity() then all iterators and references (including the end() iterator) are invalidated. Otherwise only the end() iterator is invalidated.”


  • “Removes the last element of the container.”
  • “Calling pop_back on an empty container results in undefined behavior.”
  • “Iterators and references to the last element, as well as the end() iterator, are invalidated.”


  • A specialized container that contains characters.
  • similar to vector
    • std::string can be considered as std::vector<char>
  • Convert to C-style string (null-terminated string)
    • .c_str() converts a string to a null-terminated string (C-style string), stackoverflow (s. Antwort von hkBattousai)
  • string literals are not standard library strings
  • elements are stored contiguously
  • how a string grows
    • Strings typically allocate capacity beyond what is immediately needed. (like vector)


  • a companion type
    • companion types make it possible to use the library types in a machine-independent manner
  • an unsigned type
  • big enough to hold the size of any string
  • tedious to type string::size_type → use auto or decltype

C-style Strings:

strlen(p)                           // Returns the length of p, not counting the null.
strcmp(p1,p2)                       // Compares p1 and p2 for equality. Returns 0 if p1 == p2, a positive value if p1 > p2, a negative value if p1 < p2.
strcat(p1,p2)                       // Appends p2 to p1. Returns p1.
strcpy(p1,p2)                       // Copies p2 into p1. Returns p1.


Generic programming:

  • Best practice: C++ programmers
    • use != rather than <
      • because only a few library types have the < operator
    • use != as a matter of habit
    • use iterators rather than subscripts
      • because only a few library types have the subscript operator