Placeholder type specifiers

phth: auto and decltype(auto) (these are the only placeholder type specifiers)


  • as type of a variable: “For variables, specifies that the type of the variable that is being declared will be automatically deduced from its initializer.”
  • as return type: “For functions, specifies that the return type will be deduced from its return statements. (since C++14)”

phth: This holds for both auto and decltype(auto).



type-constraint(optional) auto                    // (1) 	(since C++11)
type-constraint(optional) decltype(auto) 	  // (2) 	(since C++14)
  1. type is deduced using the rules for template argument deduction.
  2. type is decltype(expr), where expr is the initializer or ones used in return statements.



  • tells the compiler to deduce the type from the initializer
    • thus, a variable that uses auto must have an initializer
  • the type that the compiler infers for auto is not always exactly the same as the initializer’s type
    • references: compiler uses the referred object’s type, and not the reference type
    • top-level consts: ignored

As Function Parameter Type

As Return Type

  • since C++14
  • cppreference:
    • in the return type of a function or lambda expression: auto& f();.
      • The return type is deduced from the operand of its (…) return statement.
  • in trailing return syntax, eg. auto f() -> int

Like an Imaginary Template


  • “in the type specifier sequence of a variable: auto x = expr; as a type specifier. The type is deduced from the initializer (expr).”
  • “If the placeholder type specifier is auto (…), the variable type is deduced from the initializer (expr) using the rules for template argument deduction from a function call (…).”
    • imaginary template: “For example, given const auto& i = expr;, the type of i is exactly the type of the argument u in an imaginary template template<class U> void f(const U& u) if the function call f(expr) was compiled.”


  • The parameter P is obtained as follows:
    • in T, the declared type of the variable that includes auto, every occurrence of auto is replaced with
      • an imaginary type template parameter U or,
      • if the initialization is copy-list-initialization, with std::initializer_list<U>.
  • The argument A is the initializer expression.
  • After deduction of U from P and A following the rules described above, the deduced U is substituted into P to get the actual variable type:
// T = const auto& (the declared type of the variable x)
const auto& x = 1 + 2; // P = const U&, A = 1 + 2:
                       // same rules as for calling f(1 + 2) where f is
                       // template<class U> void f(const U& u)
                       // deduced U = int, the type of x is const int&

// copy-list-initialization
// T = auto (the declared type of the variable l)
auto l = {13}; // P = std::initializer_list<U>, A = {13}:
               // deduced U = int, the type of l is std::initializer_list<int>

Declare Multiple Variables


  • “If the placeholder type specifier is used to declare multiple variables, the deduced types must match.”
    • “For example, the declaration auto i = 0, d = 0.0; is ill-formed, while the declaration auto i = 0, *p = &i; is well-formed and the auto is deduced as int.”

Direct List Initialization


  • “In direct-list-initialization (but not in copy-list-initialization), when deducing the meaning of the auto from a braced-init-list, the braced-init-list must contain only one element, and the type of auto will be the type of that element:”
// since C++17
// before N3922 (C++17) all of the following were std::initializer_list<int>

// from:
auto x1 = {3}; // x1 is std::initializer_list<int>
auto x2{1, 2}; // error: not a single element
auto x3{3};    // x3 is int
               // (before N3922 x2 and x3 were both std::initializer_list<int>)

// from:
auto a = {42};    // std::initializer_list<int>
auto b{42};       // int
auto c = {1, 2};  // std::initializer_list<int>   // therefore, quote: "but not in copy-list-initialization"
auto d{1, 2};     // error, too many 
                  // (before N3922 b and d were both std::initializer_list<int>)

related: “” → “Functions with Varying Parameters” → “initializer_list

Copy List Initialization

see example in “Like an Imaginary Template”

  • unlike for direct-list-initialization, the x in copy-list-initialization auto x = {expr} is always a std::initializer_list<U>



decltype(entity)           // (1)    (since C++11)
decltype(expression)       // (2)    (since C++11)
  • (1) Inspects the declared type of an entity (no parentheses!)
    • entity” is eg. a variable, function, enumerator, or data member (VJ15.10.2)
    • full list of entities: see “” → section “Entity”
  • (2) Inspects the type and value category of an expression


  • (1) If the argument is an unparenthesized id-expression or an unparenthesized class member access expression,
    • then decltype yields the type of the entity named by this expression.
    • Examples:
      • variable without parentheses
      • data member without parentheses
  • (2) If the argument is any other expression of type T, and
    • if the value category of expression is xvalue, then decltype yields T&&
    • if the value category of expression is lvalue, then decltype yields T&
    • if the value category of expression is prvalue, then decltype yields T
      • If expression is a function call which returns a prvalue of class type (…), a temporary object is not introduced for that prvalue.
        • Because no temporary object is created, the type need not be complete or have an available destructor, and can be abstract. This rule doesn’t apply to sub-expressions: in decltype(f(g())), g() must have a complete type, but f() need not.
    • Examples:
      • variable with parentheses
      • data member with parentheses
      • address-of operator &x
      • indirection operator *x
      • built-in arithmetic expressions
      • a function call
  • Note that if the name of an object is parenthesized, it is treated as an ordinary lvalue expression
    • thus decltype(x) and decltype((x)) are often different types.


  • returns the type of its operand
  • unlike auto, decltype returns the type of references and top-level consts
  • decltype((variable)) is always a reference type, whereas decltype(variable) is a reference type only if variable is a reference

For Pointers and References

  • result is a reference type if the expression yields an lvalue, eg. if p is an int*
    • decltype(*p) is int& (because dereference yields an lvalue)
    • decltype(&p) is int** (because address-of operator yields a prvalue)
      • phth:
        • if x is an int then &x returns a int* (this is simply how the address-of operator is defined, see Operators)
        • if y is an int* then &y returns a int**

For Function Calls

decltype(f()) sum = x; // sum has whatever type f returns
  • does not call f
  • uses the type that such a call would return as the type for sum
  • perfect forwarding of return values: “this form of decltype takes the primary characteristics of an arbitrary expression - its type and value category - and encodes them in the type system in a manner that enables perfect forwarding of return values”, (VJp300)
// it does not matter what the return type "???" is,
// g() will "perfectly forward the return type" of f()
??? f();

decltype(f()) g()
  return f();

For Arrays

  • decltype(someArray) does not automatically convert an array to its corresponding pointer type
    • therefore, we must add a * (asterisk) in the following code:
// arrPtr() returns a pointer to an array of five ints

int odd[] = {1,3,5,7,9};
int even[] = {0,2,4,6,8};

// returns a pointer to an array of five int elements
decltype(odd) *arrPtr(int i)
  return (i % 2) ? &odd : &even; // returns a pointer to the array

related: “” → “Returning a Pointer to an Array” → “Option 4”

Common Uses

Inspecting Types

  • 1) can be used to inspect types
// VJ15.10.2
void g (std::string&& s)
  // check the type of s:
  std::is_lvalue_reference<decltype(s)>::value; // false
  std::is_rvalue_reference<decltype(s)>::value; // true (s as declared)
  std::is_same<decltype(s),std::string&>::value; // false
  std::is_same<decltype(s),std::string&&>::value; // true

  // check the value category of s used as expression:
  std::is_lvalue_reference<decltype((s))>::value; // true (s is an lvalue)
  std::is_rvalue_reference<decltype((s))>::value; // false
  std::is_same<decltype((s)),std::string&>::value; // true (T& signals an lvalue)
  std::is_same<decltype((s)),std::string&&>::value; // false

Preserve Value-like or Pointer-like Behaviour

  • phth: basically, use decltype(*iter) as type to automatically
    • copy when *iter returns by value
    • bind when *iter returns by reference


  • 2) decltype can also be useful when the “value-producing” auto deduction is not sufficient.
    • “value-producing” means that auto x = expr; creates copies (value-like behavior)
    • ie. sometimes we want to produce references instead of values (pointer-like behavior)

Example: iterator of unknown type as initializer (ie. we do not know if the iterator has value-like or pointer-like behaviour)

// VJp300
// - related: "Pointers Are Iterators" (Lippman, p118)

// assume we have a variable "pos" of some UNKNOWN iterator type, and 
// - we want to create a variable "element" that refers to the element stored by "pos". 
// - we want to preserve the value- or reference-ness of the iterator's operator "*"
//   - "valueness" means that the result of "*pos" is COPIED (recall: "value-like" behavior (in Lip))
//   - "referenceness" means that the result of "*pos" is BOUND to a reference (recall: "pointer-like" behavior (in Lip))
//   - STL container iterators always produce REFERENCES, but other iterators may also produce VALUES (ie. COPIES)!

// ======= PROBLEM: =======
// Which "dummyType" do we use here?
dummyType element = *pos;

// ======= THOUGHTS: =======
auto element = *pos;          // will always create a COPY of the element, not a REFERENCE
auto& element = *pos;         // will always create a REFERENCE to the element, not a COPY

// So why not use "auto&" for "dummyType"?
// While standard container iterators (are required to) always produce REFERENCES, this is
// not the case for all iterators!.
// -> ie. "auto&" would only work for STL container iterators, but not for other iterators which 
//    produce a COPY when dereferencing them via "*"

// ======= SOLUTION: =======
// To address this problem, we can use "decltype" so that the value- or reference-ness of
// the iterator's operator "*" is preserved:
decltype(*pos) element = *pos;

// better: without code duplication
decltype(auto) element = *pos;

Note: This is why decltype(auto) is frequently used for return types (see “decltype(auto)” → “Common Uses” → (1)).


  • since C++14

auto vs decltype(auto)

Like auto

  • a placeholder type
  • type of a variable, return type, or template argument is determined from the type of the associated expression (initializer, return value, or template argument) (VJ15.10.3)

Unlike auto

  • actual type is determined by applying the decltype construct directly to the expression
int i = 42;               // i has type int
int const& ref = i;       // ref has type int const& and refers to i

auto x = ref;             // x has type int and is a new independent object (a copy)
decltype(auto) y = ref;   // y has type int const& and also refers to i

Sometimes auto creates copies, whereas decltype(auto) doesn’t:

// auto vs decltype(auto)
// for vector indexing:
std::vector<int> v = { 42 };
auto x = v[0];            // x denotes a new object of type int
decltype(auto) y = v[0];  // y is a reference (type int&)
// because v[0] is an lvalue and for lvalues "decltype()" returns "T&"

Type Modifiers


decltype(auto) does not allow specifiers or declarator operators that modify its type


  • “The placeholder auto may be accompanied by modifiers, such as const or &, which will participate in the type deduction.”
  • “The placeholder decltype(auto) must be the sole constituent of the declared type. (since C++14)”
decltype(auto)* p = (void*)nullptr;   // invalid
int const N = 100;
decltype(auto) const NN = N*N;        // invalid

Parentheses Problem

Parentheses in the initializer may be significant (since they are significant for the decltype construct):

int x;
decltype(auto) z = x;                 // object of type int
decltype(auto) r = (x);               // reference of type int&

For the same reason, in the following example return r will return by value, whereas return (r) will return by reference:

// in particular, parentheses can have a severe impact on the validity of return statements
// (because the return expression is used to initialize a temporary of type decltype(auto) at the call site)
int g();
decltype(auto) f() {
  int r = g();
  return (r);                         // run-time ERROR: returns a reference to a local object
  // - read -> "return" first!
  // - under the hood the return statement initializes a temporary "temp" like this:
  // `decltype(auto) temp = (r);      // decltype(expression) -> "temp" is a reference of type int&`
  // - thus, "temp" is a reference that is BOUND TO the local object r
  // - this "temp" is the result of the function call f()
  // - decltype(auto) is deduced to int&, ie. f() returns "by reference"
  // ======= Problem: =======
  // - r is a local object
  //   - thus, r will get destroyed after the "return (r);"
  // - thus, "temp" will refer to a destroyed object (dangling reference)
  // ======= Solution: =======
  return r;                           // ok: "r" WITHOUT parentheses
  // - because then, the return statement initializes a temporary "temp2" like this:
  // `decltype(auto) temp2 = r;       // decltype(entity) -> "temp2" is an int`
  // - thus, "temp2" is an int and the local object r is COPIED TO "temp2" before it gets destroyed
  // - decltype(auto) is deduced to int, ie. f() returns "by value"
  // - "temp2" (the result of f()) itself will be destroyed at the end of the full-expression in which it was 
  //   created, but, until then, it will not be a "dangling reference"

Common Uses

Avoid Redundancy

see section “Preserve Value-like or Pointer-like Behaviour”:

decltype(*pos) element = *pos;

// better: without code duplication
decltype(auto) element = *pos;

For Return Types

  • decltype(auto) will always “perfectly forward the return type” (ie. it will correctly return by value or by reference)


It is frequently convenient for return types:

Note: This is basically the same problem as in section “Preserve Value-like or Pointer-like Behaviour”:

// - first read -> "return"
// - then read the "Parentheses Problem" example above
// - then read VJ15.10.2: the "decltype(*pos) element = *pos;" example in the section about "decltype(expr)" (without the "auto")
// we want:
// - If container[idx] is an lvalue: return by reference
// - If container[idx] is a prvalue: return by value, ie. return a copy
template<typename C> class Adapt
  C container;
  decltype(auto) operator[] (std::size_t idx) {   // subscript operator of class "Adapt"
    return container[idx];                        // subscript operator of UNKNOWN class "C" (not of class "Adapt"!)
                                                  // (ie. we do not know if this subscript operator has value-like or 
                                                  // pointer-like behaviour -> but decltype(auto) takes care of this)

For Deducible Nontype Parameters

  • since C++17
  • such nontype template parameters are likely to cause surprise
  • VJ do not anticipate that they will be widely used
  • TODO
template<decltype(auto) Val> class S
constexpr int c = 42;
extern int v = 42;
S<c> sc;    // #1 produces S<42>
S<(v)> sv;  // #2 produces S<(int&)v>



  • Converts any type T to a reference type, making it possible to use member functions in the operand of the decltype specifier without the need to go through constructors.
  • std::declval is commonly used in templates where acceptable template parameters may have no constructor in common, but have the same member function whose return type is needed.
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
struct Default
    int foo() const { return 1; }
struct NonDefault
    NonDefault() = delete;
    int foo() const { return 1; }
int main()
    decltype(Default().foo()) n1 = 1;                   // type of n1 is int
//  decltype(NonDefault().foo()) n2 = n1;               // error: no default constructor
    decltype(std::declval<NonDefault>().foo()) n2 = n1; // type of n2 is int
    std::cout << "n1 = " << n1 << '\n'
              << "n2 = " << n2 << '\n';


  • main intended use: in decltype and sizeof constructs
  • a function template
  • defined in header <utility>
  • std::declval<T> declares an rvalue of type T
  • std::declval<T&> declares an lvalue of type T
  • only available in an unevaluated context
  • does not have a definition
    • therefore, cannot be called
    • therefore, doesn’t create an object
    • therefore, can only be used in unevaluated operands (such as those of decltype and sizeof constructs)
  • can be used as a placeholder for an object reference of a specific type
    • to “use” objects of the corresponding type without creating them

Return Value and Type


  • Return value:
    • Cannot be called and thus never returns a value.
  • Return type:
    • The return type is T&& unless T is (possibly cv-qualified) void, in which case the return type is T.

Common Use

In decltype Constructs

Example: “use std::declval to “use” objects of the corresponding type without creating them” (VJ11.2.3)

  • Recall: here we used the rules of operator?: called for parameters a and b to find out the return type of max() at compile time:
// VJ1.3.2:
// - the "expr" in "decltype(expr)" has the same form as the return statement of "max()"
// - the resulting type is determined at compile time by the rules for operator "?:" (which
//   generally produces an intuitively expected result)
//   - here: if a and b have different arithmetic types, a common arithmetic type is
//     found for the result (like "std::common_type<>::type" which, "internally, chooses the
//     resulting type according to the language rules of operator ?:", see VJ1.3.3)
template<typename T1, typename T2>
auto max (T1 a, T2 b) -> decltype(b<a?a:b)
// auto max (T1 a, T2 b) -> decltype(true?a:b)    // alternatively
  return b < a ? a : b;
  • Goal in the following:
    • achieve the same as above, but in a different way
    • by introducing a template parameter RT for the return type with the common type of the two arguments as default
  • Problem 1: because we have to apply operator?: before the call parameters a and b are declared, we cannot use a and b in the default template argument
  • Solution 1: we can use their types T1 and T2
// VJ1.4:
// deduces the default return type RT from the passed template parameters T1 and T2:
// - "decay_t" because it might happen that the return type is a reference
//   type, because under some conditions T1 or T2 might be a reference
#include <type_traits>
template<typename T1, typename T2,
         typename RT = std::decay_t<decltype(true ? T1() : T2())>>
RT max (T1 a, T2 b)
  return b < a ? a : b;
  • Problem 2: the above code requires that we are able to call default constructors for T1 and T2:
  • Solution 2: use declval<T1>() and declval<T2>() instead of T1() and T2()
    • here we “use std::declval to “use” objects of the corresponding type without creating them” (VJ11.2.3)
// VJ11.2.3:
// use the std::decay<> type trait to ensure the default return type can't be a
// reference, because std::declval() itself yields rvalue references. Otherwise,
// calls such as max(1, 2) will get a return type of int&&
#include <utility>
template<typename T1, typename T2,
         typename RT = std::decay_t<decltype(true ? std::declval<T1>()
                                                  : std::declval<T2>())>>
RT max (T1 a, T2 b)
  return b < a ? a : b;