ROS PackagesPermalink


Display the images of an image topic:

rosrun image_view image_view image:=/sensor/camera1/image_raw



  • sudo apt install ros-noetic-opencv-apps

Hough TransformPermalink

roslaunch opencv_apps hough_lines.launch image:=/sensor/camera1/image_raw

# view all arguments of a node in the launch file
roslaunch --args hough_lines /opt/ros/noetic/share/opencv_apps/launch/hough_lines.launch

# view all arguments of the launch file
roslaunch --ros-args /opt/ros/noetic/share/opencv_apps/launch/hough_lines.launch

Fast File SearchPermalink

E.g. to quickly locate and show launch files, package.xml, etc.

rospack find rac<<< hit tab —> racing >>>
roscat <package> <file>


To start a ROS Master (and some other pre-requisite programs):


From ROS wiki:

roscore is a collection of nodes and programs that are pre-requisites of a ROS-based system. You must have a roscore running in order for ROS nodes to communicate. It is launched using the roscore command.

NOTE: If you use roslaunch, it will automatically start roscore if it detects that it is not already running (unless the --wait argument is supplied).

roscore will start up:

  • a ROS Master
  • a ROS Parameter Server
  • a rosout logging node

There are currently no plans to add to roscore.


Tool for

  • launching multiple ROS nodes and
  • setting parameters on the Parameter Server. Takes in one or more XML configuration files (with .launch extension) that specify
  • the parameters to set and
  • nodes to launch.
roslaunch <package> <.launch-file> <<< hit tab 2x >>>		# mit tab 2x werden alle arguments des .launch file angezeigt

Launch FilesPermalink

.launch file tags:

  • node (run node)
  • param (set param)
    • if <param name=… value=… /> is between <node name=… pkg=… type=… output=… > and </node>, then the final name of the parameter is node name/param name
  • arg (take in arguments from outside this file, and otherwise set default)
    • e.g. <arg name="world_path" default="$(find racing)/resources/racing_world.yaml"/>

roslaunch --ros-args /path/to/launchfile.launch

  • Display command-line arguments for this launch file
  <!-- ros_args.launch -->
  <arg name="foo" default="true" doc="I pity the foo'."/>
  <arg name="bar" doc="Someone walks into this."/>
  <arg name="baz" default="false"/>
  <arg name="nop"/>
  <arg name="fix" value="true"/>

Show Launch File InformationPermalink

$> roslaunch --ros-args ros_args.launch
Required Arguments:
  bar: Someone walks into this.
  nop: undocumented
Optional Arguments:
  baz (default "false"): undocumented
  foo (default "true"): I pity the foo'.


rosrun <package> <node>


rosnode list
rosnode info <node>


rosparam <<< hit tab 2x >>>
rosparam list
rosparam set <parameter> <value>
rosparam get <parameter>


rosmsg show <<< hit tab 2x >>>
rosmsg show <message type>    # (message type: zB geometry_msgs/Twist)

alternativ: rosmsg info


rostopic list
rostopic info /topic <<< hit tab 2x >>>    # zeigt .msg type des topics (gibt nur einen) UND Liste aller nodes, die zu "/topic" publishen oder "/topic" subscriben
rostopic echo /topic
rostopic pub /topic <message type> <message>


  • are similar to publish/subscribe message system, but are intended for one-time execution instead of permanent streaming.
  • Client directly calls service at another node without going through anonymous topic.
  • Services natively include responses ( publish/subscribe system does not! )
  • similar to .msg types, services work with .srv types (zB. flatland_msgs/MoveModel cp. output of rosservice info)
rosservice list
rosservice info /service
rossrv info <service type>
rosservice call /service <<< hit tab >>>


(= a bag is a file format for storing message data.)

rosbag record /Topic1 [ /Topic2 /Topic3 … ]			stores recorded .bag file with the contents of the specified topics in the current dir (i.e. use e.g. “roscd racing” before !)

NOTE: Füge *.bag zum .gitignore file des branch hinzu ! (Weil .bag files werden in real-world projects zu groß (multiple GB) um sie in einer git repo zu tracken !) Dadurch bleibt git status “clean”, auch wenn ein .bag file dazukommt.

rosbag info bagfile1 [ bagfile2 bagfile3 … ]
rosbag play -l bagfile1 [ bagfile2 bagfile3 … ]    # -l for loop, ie. repeat after "duration" is over (sonst hört ROS nach ca. "duration" auf) (while running, press <space> to pause and resume the playback)

rclcpp (ROS Client Library for C++)Permalink

RWTH Self-Driving Lab 1Permalink

yaml filesPermalink


  • Vehicle model = (kinematic single track model [s. Ex5] + actuator model [incl. actuators’ “lagging”])

header filesPermalink



::publish(const boost::shared_ptr<M>& message)          // overloaded function   // "M" ist ein template parameter (s. C++ templates), d.h. "M" steht für einen beliebigen Typ bzw. Klasse
::publish(const M& message)                                            // overloaded function.  // "M" ist ein template parameter (s. C++ templates), d.h. "M" steht für einen beliebigen Typ bzw. Klasse
::getParam("vehicle/sensor_topic", subscribe_topic_sensors)
::subscribe(subscribe_topic_sensors, 10, callbackLaserSensor)
::advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>(publish_topic_actuators, 10)


::overwriteLidarDistances(const float distances[3])


Generell gilt: Schaue message Definitionen in entsprechenden .msg files in noetic/share/sensor_msgs/msg/ nach ! Oder über rosmsg show Befehl !


Understanding sensor_msgs::LaserScanPtrPermalink

  • LaserScanPtr ist ein typedef-Synonym für boost::shared_ptr< ::sensor_msgs::LaserScan >
    • dh. ::sensor_msgs::LaserScan wird hier als class im Template Parameter aufgenommen
      • s. Notes “C++” unter “Double Colon prepended to the class name
  • ContainerAllocator ist ein struct-Template Parameter (struct templates sind ähnlich wie class templates)! (Zeile 22, LaserScan.h) und in Zeile 94 wird std::allocator<void> als Template Parameter übergeben, um den LaserScan-Typ über typedef zu definieren.
    • unterscheide LaserScan_ (mit Unterstrich) und LaserScan (ohne Unterstrich)
    • LaserScan (ohne Unterstrich) ist ein typedef für ein LaserScan_ (mit Unterstrich) -Objekt (Zeile 94 in LaserScan.h)
    • LaserScanPtr wiederum ist ein typedef für ein LaserScan-Objekt (Zeile 96)


  • ranges hat den Typ _ranges_type (s. LaserScan.h), was ein typedef ist für std::vector<float, custom Allocator>, wobei der custom Allocator über den Template Parameter ContainerAllocator (s. Zeile 22 in LaserScan.h) festgelegt wird (in Zeile 94 ist der custom Allocator also std::allocator<void>
  • std::vector ist definiert als template < class T, class Alloc = allocator<T> > class vector; (s. <vector> header file) tutorialspoint
  • Wikipedia: Allocator
  • zu template rebind: stackoverflow
  • einfach gesagt: ranges ist ein beliebig langer std::vector mit float32 Elementen (vgl. rosmsg show sensor_msgs/LaserScan Befehl)





ros::init(argc, argv, "vehicle_controller")



alternativ zu ros::spin():

  ros::Rate r(10); // 10 hz
  while (ros::ok())
    // ... do some work, publish some messages, etc. ...
    r.sleep();			// r ist ein ros::Rate Objekt (s. 1. Zeile)


  • rosnode kill -a; killall -9 rosmaster; killall -9 roscore, if nodes do not stop automatically