Latex in vim

  • vim italics issue (because Latex uses underscores):
    • vim will display italic text as italics as long as the environment variable TERM is set to xterm-256color (looks ugly!)
    • if TERM is not set to anything, vim will highlight the italic text (looks even more ugly!)
  • solution: see here

Syntax Highlighting

Code Blocks


  • If you want to add a block of code to a list item, you have to add an extra 4 spaces for every level of that list. You also have to make sure that you leave a blank line before the code block., stackexchange

Common issues in vim

  • the following characters must be escaped or in a code block:
    • _
    • $
    • asterisk *
    • hash #
  • be careful with spaces
    • no additional space behind triple backticks!

Markdown Viewer


  • pip install retext
  • retext wiki
  • config options
  • config file: nvim .config/ReText\ project/ReText.conf
  • markdown extensions
  • for github flavored markdown:
    • pip install pymdown-extensions
    • add this on top of the document: <!-- Required extensions: pymdownx.betterem, pymdownx.tilde, pymdownx.emoji, pymdownx.tasklist, pymdownx.superfences -->

Note: Install the old markdown package version python3.8 -m pip install markdown==3.2 first.

command description
retext edit
retext --preview preview
Tipp: Shortcuts: s. Menu → File und Edit
ctrl e preview on/off
ctrl l live preview on/off (die live updates brauchen manchmal bisschen)



  • pip install grip
  • see
  • “Preview GitHub Markdown files like Readme locally”
  • view in Firefox
  • grip 6420 (to open a second file on a different port, here 6420)