

Dark Mode: Menubar “Settings” → “JupyterLab Theme” → “JupyterLab Dark”


command description
ctrl + shift + c command palette
ctrl + b Show/Hide Left Sidebar


command description
cmd + Shift + c Search; “Shortcut finder”

In notebook mode, Cell selection mode (dh nicht in einer Cell):

command description
cmd + , open Shortcut Settings
cmd + i open contextual help (workflow: öffne in separatem tab horizontal unter code editor; contextual help zeigt Inhalt von Variablen, source code für Funktionen, … etc)
ctrl + Shift + q close and shutdown notebook
ctrl + Shift + 5 phth defined: previous tab
ctrl + Shift + 6 phth defined: next tab
o hide cell output
o, o show cell output
Shift + o hide all cell outputs
Shift + o, Shift + o show all cell outputs

Command List


list of all magics

line magics

%reset   # unset all variables
%autosave 0   # disable autosave in notebook

cell magics


Convert notebooks to other formats

command description
jupyter nbconvert –to html notebook.ipynb pass –execute flag, if cells should be run before converting
jupyter nbconvert –to pdf notebook.ipynb