

Blacklist in the vimium extension settings.

command description
? show all shortcuts
c-b file explorer
> open vscode in a new tab
c-shift-s download raw file
t jump to file

SSH Keys

  • generate the ssh key on your local machine: ssh-keygen -o -t rsa -C "", where -C "comment" is just a comment/description
  • cat ~/.ssh/ and copy and paste the full output into the key field on github.comAccount SettingsSSH Keys

Github Actions

Compress Images

Storage Limits

see stackoverflow

Github CLI

see article “Git”


gh auth login
gh repo create

For quickly adding a .gitignore AFTER creating a repo, first run:

gh alias set --shell .gitignore 'gh api -X GET /gitignore/templates/"$1" --jq ".source"'

Then, gh .gitignore Node >> .gitignore generates a .gitignore for Node projects. You can also use C, C++ etc. (TODO: find the list of possible languages in this API call).

gh repo

gh repo view

command description
gh repo view -h  
gh repo view dotfiles no “pharath/” prefix needed for “dotfiles”!
gh repo view -b some_branch  
gh repo view --json name -q ".name" name of the repository
gh repo view --json nameWithOwner -q ".nameWithOwner" owner/repository
gh repo view --json url -q ".url" the complete url

gh repo edit

command description
gh repo edit <repository> --description <string> edit the description in your repo
gh repo edit <repository> --<tab><tab> show available edit options