
TODO: Could not make it work for private git repos yet.

Install with pip

  • python -m pip install --upgrade pip
  • python3 -m venv env
  • source env/bin/activate
  • pip install dvc
    • if it gives ERROR: Could not build wheels for pygit2 which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly, fix: upgrade pip to the latest version!
  • pip install 'dvc[gdrive]'
  • dvc completion -s bash | sudo tee /etc/bash_completion.d/dvc to activate bash autocompletion, then restart your terminal


Watch: official YouTube tutorials

# always update pip and dvc first 
# (otherwise gdrive access does not work sometimes)
pip install -U pip
pip install -U dvc
pip install -U 'dvc[gdrive]'

# 1. initialize a new git repo and dvc repo
git init 
dvc init

# 2. create dvc repo
mkdir data
# clone a file
dvc get get-started/data.xml -o data/data.xml
# add a directory
dvc add mydir/
# add each file in a directory individually 
# (Don't use this! Not needed!) (see
dvc add -R mydir/
# add a file
dvc add data/data.xml   # like "git add" + "git commit" together; use "dvc add --no-commit" flag to avoid committing
# track the changes with git
git add data/.gitignore data/data.xml.dvc
git commit -m "Add raw data"

# 3. add dvc remote (cloud storage)
dvc remote add -d myremote gdrive://<copy repo id from browser url>
# if necessary: authorize gdrive (see below in section "Authorization")
# (
dvc remote modify myremote --local gdrive_user_credentials_file ~/.gdrive/myremote-credentials.json
# track the changes with git
git commit .dvc/config -m "Configure remote storage"

# 4. push data
git push   # always "git push" before "dvc push", otherwise you will forget "git push" because "dvc push" can take a long time
dvc push
cat data/.gitignore   # confirm that data is not tracked by git

# pull
dvc pull

Pushing a new dataset version

# create a new dataset artificially by "doubling" the data.xml
cp -iv data/data.xml /tmp/data.xml
cat /tmp/data.xml >> data/data.xml
ls -lh data/

# push the new dataset version
dvc add data/data.xml
git add data/data.xml.dvc 
git commit -m "Dataset updates"
git push   # always "git push" before "dvc push", otherwise you will forget "git push" because "dvc push" can take a long time
dvc push

Moving forward and backward in time with different versions of the dataset

git log --oneline
git checkout HEAD^1 data/data.xml.dvc
dvc checkout
l -lh data/   # confirms that the previous version has been restored
git commit data/data.xml.dvc -m "Revert dataset updates"   # to keep the changes
# we do not have to run another "dvc add" because we have saved this version of the dataset in the dvc repo already

dvc add

Undo dvc add: (doc)

dvc remove data.dvc   # the .dvc file must be removed, not the data itself!
dvc gc -w   # clear the cache

Behaves like git add + git commit together.

To get a git-like behavior:

  • use dvc add --no-commit flag to avoid committing.
  • and then dvc commit
command description
dvc add mydir/ adds directory mydir/
dvc add -R mydir/ adds each file in subdirectories of mydir/ recursively (Don’t use this! Not needed! See doc)

dvc list url path

The following commands will only work when

  • you are inside a DVC repo (outside a DVC repo you will only see the files and folders that have a corresponding .dvc file)
  • a default remote (dvc remote default) containing the target is set for the current DVC repo (doc)
dvc list . .
dvc list . data/augmented/data_11_19.v4i.darknet/
dvc list -R . data/augmented/data_11_19.v4i.darknet/

dvc pull

  • Downloads tracked files or directories from remote storage based on the current dvc.yaml and .dvc files, and makes them visible in the workspace (i.e. in the git repo folder).
  • Downloads tracked data from a dvc remote to the cache.
dvc pull data/raw_not_augmented/data_11_19.v6i.darknet/train/

dvc get

  • Syntax: dvc get url path
  • Downloads a file or directory tracked by DVC or by Git into the current working directory.
  • This file or directory must be found in a dvc.yaml or .dvc file of the repo.

dvc get is like wget or curl.

Get the folder data/raw_not_augmented/data_11_19.v6i.darknet/:

cd path/to/gitlab/dvc/repo/
dvc get . data/raw_not_augmented/data_11_19.v6i.darknet/

dvc config

Important: This configuration is specific to the Git repository of the dataset (it is not set globally)!

Your repo configuration should look similar to this:

$ dvc config -l


If your configuration doesn’t look like this, you have to go through the authorization process first (see Authorization).

dvc remote

Important: DVC remotes are set for each Git repository individually! I.e. the output of dvc remote list depends on your current working directory.


Google Drive

Important: If you have any authorization issues, chances are that your GDrive token has expired. Re-run the following command followed by dvc pull. A browser window should pop up and GDrive will prompt you to log in again (also see Troubleshooting).

# Set "myremote" to your specific remote's name
dvc remote modify myremote --local gdrive_user_credentials_file ~/.gdrive/myremote-credentials.json
  • this is necessary e.g. if
    • you want to configure remote.yourremote.gdrive_user_credentials_file for your dvc repo
    • you are adding a remote from a different GDrive account than the first remote
    • you want to refresh your expired GDrive access token (see Troubleshooting)
      • see "token_expiry": "2023-05-17T04:00:13Z", field in ~/.gdrive/myremote-credentials.json
  • IMPORTANT: Add ~/.gdrive/myremote-credentials.json to .gitignore! Don’t commit it!
    • the --local flag writes to .dvc/config.local which is in .dvc/.gitignore
  • dvc doc - GDrive Authorization
# Set "myremote" to your specific remote's name
dvc remote modify myremote gdrive_acknowledge_abuse true

dvc move

  • creates the destination directory, if it does not exist (ie. mkdir is not necessary! See example in doc)


Problem 1

ERROR: unexpected error - : <HttpError 404 when requesting returned "File not found: 1-7B_Sg8rX0IjozvJy31j4La4xiGB_rrw". Details: "[{'message': 'File not found: 1-7B_Sg8rX0IjozvJy31j4La4xiGB_rrw', 'domain': 'global', 'reason': 'notFound', 'location': 'file', 'locationType': 'other'}]">

Having any troubles? Hit us up at, we are always happy to help!


The remote.yourremote.gdrive_user_credentials_file field is probably not set for your repo (check with dvc config -l).


See Authorization GDrive

Problem 2

ERROR: failed to transfer '22a1a2931c8370d3aeedd7183606fd7f' - <HttpError 403 when requesting returned "This file has been identified as malware or spam and cannot be downloaded". Details: "[{'message': 'This file has been identified as malware or spam and cannot be downloaded', 'domain': 'global', 'reason': 'abuse'}]">                                            
ERROR: failed to pull data from the cloud - 1 files failed to download


Set dvc remote modify myremote gdrive_acknowledge_abuse true

  • Note: If you set this, you should use the latest dvc version. Older dvc versions will start throwing strange errors. Also make sure you have installed pip install dvc[gdrive].

Problem 3

ERROR: configuration error - config file error: extra keys not allowed @ data['remote']['galaxisgdrive']['drive_acknowledge_abuse']


  • typo, you forgot “g” in front of “drive_acknowledge_abuse”: use ['gdrive_acknowledge_abuse'] instead of ['drive_acknowledge_abuse']

Problem 4

(env) bra-ket@braket-pc:~/git/Galaxis/object-detection-2023/training_code$ dvc list . data/
ERROR: failed to list '.' - Current operation was unsuccessful because '/home/bra-ket/git/Galaxis/object-detection-2023/training_code/test_dvc/dvc-det-2023/models/10feb23_v3tiny' requires existing cache on 'local' remote. See <> for information on how to set up remote cache.


  • You are probably not in a DVC repo. Check, if you are in a DVC repo.

Problem 5

(env) bra-ket@braket-pc:~/git/Galaxis/object-detection-2023/dvc-det-2023/data$ dvc list . data/
ERROR: unexpected error - [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/bra-ket/git/Galaxis/object-detection-2023/dvc-det-2023/data/data'


  • data/ does not exist in the current directory. Run dvc list . . to list the contents of the current directory.