
  • install extensions:
    • Remote-Containers
      • on Ubuntu: only Dev-Containers
    • C/C++
    • Doxygen Documentation Generator
    • CMake
    • CMake Tools
    • Python (for debugging)
    • Pylance
    • Jupyter
    • Jupyter Keymap
    • Jupyter Notebook Renderers
    • TabNine Autocompletion
    • vim
    • Markdown PDF
      • for md2pdf conversion
  • set “Toggle Vim Mode” command keybinding “ctrl + alt + v” in menu “Manage” (unten links) -> keyboard shortcuts -> search “togglevim”


  • if something does not work, e.g.
    • context menu is popping up automatically on vscode startup
  • stackoverflow instructions
    • settings:
      • Press F1
      • Type user settings
      • Press enter
      • Click the “sheet” icon to open the settings.json file
      • delete the file’s contents and save
    • extensions:
      • delete ~/.vscode/extensions


command description
ctrl + k ctrl + s all shortcuts
ctrl + alt + v toggle vim mode (this custom shortcut must have been configured previously)
ctrl + w close current tab
ctrl + o open file
ctrl + e search and open file
ctrl + n new file


ctrl + 0 focus file explorer
ctrl + 1 focus editor group 1
ctrl + 2 focus editor group 2, usw.
ctrl + w close current editor group (after all tabs in this group have been closed)
alt + 1 focus first tab in current editor group
alt + 2 focus second tab in current editor group, usw.
ctrl + j show panel (problems, output, terminal, debug console)
ctrl + ö view: toggle terminal
ctrl + shift + y view: toggle debug console
ctrl + b show side bar (file explorer)


command description
ctrl-k ctrl-t change theme
ctrl-k ctrl-0 collapse all
ctrl-k ctrl-1 collapse level 1
ctrl-k ctrl-j unfold all


command description
ctrl + e search and open file
ctrl + shift + . focus breadcrumbs (jump between methods/functions)
ctrl + alt + - go back (i.e. jump to previous location) (Windows: alt + left)
ctrl + shift + - go forward (i.e. jump to next location) (Windows: alt + right)
ctrl + k ctrl + d “move last selection to next find match” (like * in Vim)
ctrl + d “add selection to next find match” (for quickly modifying multiple occurrences of the selected code simultaneously)


command description
ctrl + shift + up/down place cursor on multiple lines
ctrl + h replace (in the replace window press ctrl + alt + enter to replace all)
ctrl + c copy line
ctrl + x cut line
ctrl + shift + up/down, ctrl + x select and cut multiple lines
ctrl + shift + k delete line
ctrl + k ctrl + c add line comment
ctrl + k ctrl + u remove line comment
shift + alt + DownArrow copy line down


  • automatic code format (in command palette: “format document”): ctrl + shift + I


Symbols next to the filename in each vscode tab:

symbol meaning
A Added (This is a new file that has been added to the repository)
M Modified (An existing file has been changed)
D Deleted (a file has been deleted)
U Untracked (The file is new or has been changed but has not been added to the repository yet)
C Conflict (There is a conflict in the file)
R Renamed (The file has been renamed)
S Submodule (In repository exists another subrepository)



  • most important shortcuts:
    • Basics: see “Menu” → “Run” (Alt + R)
    • Toggle Debug Console: ctrl + shift + Y

To get out of for loops:

  • “Command Palette” → “Debug: Run to Cursor”


  • to work in a venv:
    • Use the “Python: Select Interpreter” command from the Command Palette (ctrl + shift + p)